Friday 20 June 2014

Goblins Gnomes and Dwarf's of the Labyrinth

Was hoping to have Hasslefree's McKenzie finished this week but a painting cock up and the corrective measures ended up with the paint to thick so she has been stripped to be done again Nevermind though!

I quite fancy doing some Froud/Labyrinth/Dark Crystal themed games especially seeing as the girls love both the movies. So I've been looking around and seen some great looking figures that when combined could make some fun war bands for SoBH's or a similar type rule set. I've also picked up The Goblin Companion by Brian Froud & Terry Jones for Father's day. I've not cracked it open yet as it will be my book to read whilst I'm on holiday. I'm really looking forward to reading it. There is a specific book of the Labyrinth as well as some troll and other Fae themed books I may pick up later as the art is lovely.

Anyway goblins are quite easy there is a fair few across many ranges that can make up the ranks of the goblins however a heroic themed team in the same style is a little bit trickier. Now I bought some Stonehaven Dwarf's off Lord Siwoc a while back and Stonehaven then recently have released some Gnomes after a successful kickstarter I thought a few of the Gnomes would make the perfect adversary's for the gobbos. I managed to snag a few off Ebay to see what there like in the flesh and they are quite nicely sculpted and remind a bit of the Gelflings from the Dark Crystal.

The main source of Goblins and Dwarf heroes will be from Northumbrian Tin Soldier and there new Night Folk range of miniatures which are perfect for a bit of fun skirmish gaming. These have gone straight on the to get list just because they look such fun figures hopefully I will be getting all of the current range later in the summer after I come back off holiday.

Various Characters that make up the range so far.

These are the Questing Knights they are also part of the range. Recently painted here by Loki of Loki's Great Hall

They can all be found here.
Northumbrian Tin Soldier Nightfolk Range

Here is just a fun character I've done for the project so far I havea female Gnome Articifer that's been started as well. Here is the Gnome Long Gunner that I finished this week he's slightly miscast where the mould has slipped but its only really noticeable in these head on pictures. There won't be many ranged weapons but some rifles and pistols here and there won't hurt. I quite fancy a go at making some of the crazier Goblin stuff from the Labyrinth some of the machines and stuff but we'll see.


  1. Very strange minis their mate, Some of them look like their from the Labyrinth movie, and some not so much

    1. Some are very Froud inspired some aren't so much but they are very cool none the less. With all the different characters in the movie I think it leave scope for adding in other figs that have a similar style.

  2. I do like that gnome gunner. I think the green hair works very well. Looks like a nice idea to go Labyrinth skirmish games.

    1. Thanks mate. Yeah it will only be small project maybe 30-40 figures not decided yet.

  3. Strange indeed! Have you seen the Labyrintus models from Victoria Miniatures: . There aren't many figures in the range, but they have a somewhat similar style (slightly darker, perhaps?)

    1. Strange in a good way! Thanks for the link I had seen those they are quite Pan's Labyrinth with them I like there Fae style. I hope VIctoria can expand the rules for that set it looks like fun especially the demo board thats was in some of the pics.

  4. An emerging project! Always good. :)

  5. Can't wait to see how this develops. It's a great addition to your dungeon project and those crawlers are just fantastic, full of character.

    1. Thanks yeah I thought so to. Hopefull if I can find a simple ruleset I can get the girls involved a little :D

  6. love the lil' bear in that gang

    1. So do I! I may have to pick up a couple of extra's and let the girls do them will be interesting to see how they turn out.

  7. The minis look rather fun. That Froud book is very cool indeed

    1. It looks great can't wait to read it next week.

  8. Crazy looking miniatures, very cool!

  9. I love that gnome gunner Simon!

    1. Thanks they have some rather fun characters in the Stonehaven range.

  10. Hola
    Madre mia que buenas se podrĂ­a elegir una jajaja todas son muy buenas
    un saludo

    1. Hola J.D

      They are great aren't they! I like them all
