Sunday 13 July 2014

Tuesday's Across the Dead Earth Game Report Part 1

Here is the AAR from Tuesday nights four way slog including my massacre lol. It was played mostly with the official miniatures Skelch was playing The Red Claws, Yoshi The Family I had my own gang (using the ATDE Family miniatures as a new gang with a few extra;s from my own collection). Rich played an Ad Hoc Faction. Consisting of a member taken from all 3 our starting gangs plus the Merc Crimson as leader. 

We decide the best way to deploy after rolling for who got to choose where was to deploy on one of the four road ways on each board edge. We played a loot game with a fair few counters I think maybe 10 but they were all over the place.
These will be known as the Scummers as they were created last minute before driving over to Rich's for the game.
 Yoshi's and with Adam and his Family gang enter the area scouting 

 Rich's Ad Hoc Faction 

 Skelch's Red Claws posing for photo in front of the fantastic shopping centre.

 Crimson Draws first blood sniping Jade of the Scummers as the advance down the street.

Ronnie snags the the first loot counter.

 Johnny Stomp clambers into the church heading towards the loot counter within. However he must not of put his boots on properly as he trips (Tripwire card) just as he climbs over the wall.

Drexyl enters the church from the other side also with his eyes on the loot. But Johnny's fall must of disturbed the rubble and a piece fell down striking Drexyl and taking him down (Look Out! Card)

 The gangs all move towards each other.
 Johnny moves forward to investigate the noise he heard.

 The Family all advance spreading out.

 The Red Claws's advance forward 

 Topper, Shayman and Shrimp enter the shopping centre in search of loot.

 Crimson and her Mercs all move forward into cover.

 Johnny grabs the loot counter spotting Drexyl lying prone he is about tp move in for the kill only he hears something outside and moves to investigate that instead. (Taunt! Card)

 Crimson takes some more potshots at the prone Jade but on the second shot the round jams in her rifle.

 Fatboy enters into the ruined Selfridges and snags some loot on the ground floor.

Fat boy spots The Scummers advancing up the street and ready's his RPG.

 Shrimp and Shayman move upto the first floor in search of loot.
 Tanner the Scummer Leader moves into take out Drexyl but as he turns the ganger over he pulls out a pin on a grenade blowing them both up (Sacrifice! Card)

 Shrimp clambers up and grabs the loot.

 Ronnie and Adam trade shots by the ruined bus with Ronnies smg taking Adam down.
 Reggie opens up on Ronnie with his Assault Rifle but the range is to great and the bullets smack into the nearby bus.

 Scope attempts to fire at Crimson but a pair of crows flys out of the nearby building and ruin his aim (Distraction Card). He then grabs the prone form of Jade and drags her into better cover.

 Eli and Skylar advance into the shopping centre. 

 Beanie sprints forward into position to heal Jade next Turn.

Eli and Skylar get bushwhacked by Pyro and he takes them both down from behind with his flame thrower! Ouch!

The next turn is decisive for the Scummers If I get chance tonight I'll finished writing up the report.


  1. Great looking buildings, a very nice report with beautiful pictures...

    1. Its a fantastic table to play on full of atmosphere.

  2. Amazing table & great report.

    1. Thanks I wish I could build one as good as this.

  3. I love this, truly atmospherical, must be great playing with such scenery, it looks like you had a good time!

  4. I love the scenery and the photos are very atmospheric. It looks like you had a great time even if your side did lose badly. Having fun is always more important than winning, at least, that is what I believe in. Some immature Munchkins probably disagree!

    1. Yeah I've been lucky with previous games so had it coming. Lol it gets worse though in part 2

  5. Envy + !!!

    Looks great! Table, miniatures....The feel is just right!

    1. Yours is not far off looking as good as that one though mate.

  6. Lovely table, great batrep, nicely painted minis dude.

  7. Wow.... great batrep and the game table is stunning.

  8. Nice ARR. there seem to be a lot of random event cards which is not a bad thing unless they get over played. Looking forward to more and it would be really good to hear what tactics worked best

    1. One of the reasons a lot of cards got played was that with 4 players there were always 12 cards potentially available to be played - people didn't always play them to their immediate advantage as much to anyone else's disadvantage. Also, the terrain really allows for a lot of cards which are context dependent (Look Out requires there to be scenery near by, Boob Trap requires a doorway or similar) to be used.

    2. Ha Rich! beat me to it. Yeah its all down to choice a lot of card play but that's the luck of the draw and having the opportunity to use them.

      Like Rich says some depend on certain circumstances. Look out! can be good if someone is near a ledge as they fall off instead of being hit by debris!

  9. Lovely report, lovely miniatures, fantastic table. Event cards seem to be a major element in game play.

    1. Thanks Robert they can be sometimes they do nothing for example. Yoshi's was unlucky that he failed his save. I made a tactical error using my leader to finish off an opponent depriving my team the flexibility of giving orders.

  10. Jiminiy Cricket! This is a sweet looking game and that table is to die for. They've done an excellent job with this one.

    Great batrep Simon!

  11. Having the loot counters not in one place was a good idea and probably made for a better game, but perhaps next time maybe have a few bogus ones too !
    Great looking scenery and an interesting game.

    1. Thats part of the fun as you never know a counters worth either some are 5 some are 25 some are 50 it all gets added up at the end as to who determines the winner.

  12. Awesome, awesome scenery and batrep. Very exciting, and looks stunning! Excellent job!

  13. Fantastic terrain ... I particularly love the effect on the cars!

    1. The whole thing is really just amazing to play on.

  14. Hola
    Impresionante si seƱor
    Me encantan los edificios y todo su conjunto,los desgastes y ruinas
    Una magnifica pieza para grandes batallas
    un saludo

  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again; that board is gorgeous!

    Great batrep, bud. If I had less projects in front of me I would definitely be getting all up in AtDE. It's like Necromunda meets The Last of Us. Superb.

    1. Thanks mate. That is a pretty good description of it. Its not as clunky as Necromunda was it plays faster and you don't get left waiting out your turn while everyone blasts away.

  16. Very cool stuff Simon, wish I could play on that board

    1. Thanks there shall be many more game reports hopefully. I have some new factions being assembled
