Monday 7 March 2016

Batman Game: Deadshot

Hobby work has slowed down this past week real life has been busier than normal. Deadshot arrived mid week and was rapidly cleaned, based and painted finishing him off on Saturday morning. Lamp Posts are also finished and they are probably a bit basic looking but will perform there job as markers and don't really need to be too fancy (Thanks for reminding me of that PC!) I will take some pics of the lamp posts for Wednesday as they are all packed away for a game this evening. Anyway here is Deadshot pretty much copied off of the Knight Models paintjob.

Deadshot supplies a good amount of mobile firepower and will be able to shoot pretty much nearly every round (basing that on a 5 round game) coupled with night vision allowing him to see anywhere on the board if he can see you and your range he can shoot you! Being a Free Agent Deadshot can be used in most villain type crews so can be used in my Penguin Crew.

Next on the cards is the League of shadows a marvellously lucky purchase off of a Facebook trading group netted me pretty much every option bar one miniature for an even more marvellous price. They have all been cleaned up and based. So expect to see Ra's Al'Ghul (Dark Knight Rises version) and a bunch of ninja's being worked on next.


  1. Great stuff! Shall look forward to the League of Shadows!

    1. Thanks dude. They should hopefully not take long really. Most the ninjas are black already but I need to patch it all

  2. I'd tell you to slow down but then what would I have to comment on?

  3. As you know I am not into superheroes but I do appreciate some very good painting. Consider this appreciated.

    1. Thanks Clint. Well ninja's will be being worked on next we all love a bit of ninja action ~:P

  4. Great job again Simon, I like the possibility that he brings to the Penguin Crew. An agent like this would certainly keep Batman busy whilst the goons crab the loot!

    1. Thanks Michael I had him pointed out to me by PC and he is very easy to use and really you don't mess with his markers unless he takes damage.

  5. Great job Simon! Just a thought, are there any zombies in BMG?

    1. Thanks Bob, sadly know though the Court of Owls are kind of undead according to the fluff.

    2. Solomon Grundy surely counts! :)

    3. Yes indeed forgot about him!

  6. Looking forward to seeing those ninjas man :-)

  7. Not familiar with this villain but he looks pretty cool mate and very nicely painted per usual.
    Excited to see Liam Neesson and his ninja crew!

    1. No nor me there are quite a lot i'm not familiar wih either. Thanks dude

  8. He looks ace mate, and was great to face him on the tabnel last night. :)

    And by 'great to face him', I mean total 'nightmare'!

    Cheers for the game as ever. :)

    1. Thanks dude. Really enjoying the games at the moment. There very tactical which is a good brain exercise :) Saint that he only took out Strix after Mohawk smashed her with his ice axes then damaged Cobb in the final turn.

  9. Hola
    Buena mini si seƱor
    un saludo

  10. Looking good mate. Eager to see what you do with the League of Shadows :)

    1. Thanks fella. No you won't they are Ninjas, well not until it's to late at any rate lol

  11. Looks great as ever.

    I have to admit that getting in close with Batman and punching Deadshot repeatedly in the face is one of my favourite things to do in BMG.

    He's a bit of a bugger. :)

    1. Lol when ever Leon fields him I feed him Titan Thug to tie up his shooting which seems to work :)

  12. Very nice job on this bad guy!

  13. Great job as always and in only less than a week too. Oh man I need to pick up the pace on my own projects. Slowly face-palms self.
