Sunday 27 March 2016

League of Shadows Bane Crew BMG

Well some new leadership is in order for my Mercenaries for the Batman miniature game. I have a new version of Bane to lead them this time the Dark Knight Rises or DKR(movie version) he has slightly different skills but is still great at knocking the crap out of people and KO'ing them but converting all that stun to blood damage is a struggle with all versions of Bane. So as an experiment I have decided to switch my crews affiliation (I lose the Venom Soldier as he is Bane only) to League of Shadows I get more options for Sidekicks, free agent and henchmen wise but can only take DKR version of Bane. There is one character in particular as to why I have switched affiliation.

First up of the new leadership is the main man (in my eyes anyway) DKR Bane. I really love the iconic pose of this model. The only annoyance and real a shame was the casting quality of it. It was so plastered in mold lines and had a terrible one down the right side of his face meaning I had to more or less file the eye socket and eyeball into shape. Paint scheme wise I pretty much copied the colour scheme from the movie (which surprised me how much dark blue was in there rather than black). Positive thing was that he was a single piece model.

Downside to this Bane doesn't count as large so can be knocked down by other normal size characters, does not move as fast, loses the lethal blow attack and finally the master fighter trait (+1 to hit). The trade off he has combo unarmed which means for every 2 unarmed attacks he dishes out he gets a 3rd free so can dish out a lot of attacks, strategist gives the crew 1 more strategy point so can take extra strategies or better ones, Desensitized means regardless of damage his will power doesn't get reduced so he can still perform to the max until he goes down. Bane also has true love Talia which means if she becomes a casualty he gets +1 willpower and +1 attack until the end of the game. Taking of Talia.........

Here she is! Talia Al Ghul will be his sidekick (replaces the venom soldier bodyguard points wise) she is not as monstrous in combat but has a katana which does double blood damage per hit and she is quite quick and agile with acrobat Talia can't romp about on her own as she is likely to get mobbed but paired up with someone they can be a nuisance together. I had Talia used against me in the tournament and she chopped up Mohawk quite ably. Colour scheme wise I didn't want to go all in black like Knight models did and went for brown leather and cream riding jodhpurs. (Much to Kieron's amusement with his love of Jilly Cooper novels!) I think she fits in with the mercs in this colour scheme more.

I think If I was to go the ninja side of the LoS I would probably use other characters instead of Talia (Unless I get hold of Talia's alt card)

Finally a different Free Agent this time Deadshot gets replaced with DKR Scarecrow. Now this guy at a glance doesn't seem to do a lot. Not great in combat his drug spray is short ranged though potentially useful against a clump of henchmen. But the reason why I'm taking him is for one special trait 'Death or Exile' This character can target one ko'ed miniature within 20cm from him, the targeted miniature becomes removed from the game as a casualty. This is an awesome trait similar to arrest but with a range of 20cm! Meaning he can hang around behind Bane and remove the characters Bane puts down. Well thats the plan anyway. This guy was easy to assemble just comes in two pieces body and the out reached left forearm/hand.

As you can see its still fluffy with Bane, Scarecrow and Talia (though there is no movie Talia so  far) all starring in the The Dark Knight Rises movie.

At the moment the new list is as follows

DKR Bane
Talia Al Ghul
DKR Scarecrow
Smash with Loyalty Tattoos (gains bodyguard trait)
Mohawk with Climbing Claws
Dallas with Ammo + NVGs
(cheesy some will say but really my only range threat)


  1. smashing work mate. Really smart looking crew.

    1. Thanks Carl. I am looking forward to there first game with them.

  2. Wow Simon, that's a tough looking crew, awesome job Sir.

    1. Cheers Michael. They do look great at one point I said I'd never paint or collect 35mm models...............oops

  3. That's a fine looking gang, Simon. I hope they perform well for you.

    1. Thanks Bryan, I hope so. The good thing about the Batman game is everything has its strengths and weaknesses.

  4. Outstanding stuff Simon. You really like your "BMG" these days don't you ;-) You're certainly painting up some formidable looking minis. Very tempting stuff indeed...

    1. Why thank you Simon! I guess with the tournament to spur me on it is whats driving my hobby mojo at the moment. I also managed to acquire a fair amount of second hand stuff. The cool thing with the BMG is the diversity as well so it doesn't really get as stale working on it like some projects.

  5. Excellent work mate, and definitely a match up is needed soon. :)

    I think they all turned our superbly well, and the Talia colour scheme suits the mini and the crew. :)

    And you have outed Kieron as a Jilly Cooper fan! :P

  6. Replies
    1. Its a bad ass mini! I shall probably get the big Version of Bane next!

  7. Great alternate scheme for Talia.

    1. Thanks fella. It seems popular. It got me out of painting black as well though :)

  8. That gang looks formidable and a bit scary as well.

  9. Cracking work Simon!
    A shame to hear about the mould lines, especially on premier priced models. It isn't the first time I've read about that problem either dude!

    1. Cheers Bob! They certainly are bloody premium priced. Thankfully most of these were used!

  10. Yes, these look great indeed. The new banner shocked me when it opened up too!

  11. Hola Amigo
    gran trabajo con estas minis si seƱor
    un saludo

  12. Having recently watched the film again, I find myself very drawn to these new ones. Very well done mate.

    1. Its one of the cool things about the BMG lots of source material to draw inspiration from.

  13. Good re-vamp of your originl gang, here's hoping your tinkering with it brings success.

  14. Fantastic piece of work on Bane. Looks great :)

  15. gorgeous shades of blues, reds and greens on them!
