Saturday 10 September 2016

Batman Miniature Game The Flash (TV)

Speedsters are a new addition to the Batman game universe with characters like The Flash, Kid Flash, Professor Zoom and the Reverse Flash being released for the game. A new sub phase has been added which allows these characters to use 'Speed Force' which grants them buffs and movement outside the normal game sequence.

I wasn't keen at first to be honest as the first releases were expensive reputation wise and I wasn't keen on the character for the Villainous sides (Prof Zoom) mainly his yellow colour scheme is what I don't like  but at 125 rep its a lot of points in one model which on paper doesn't seem to be as useful as other characters of that stature. Also The Flash that was released as a good guy was only useable in a Batman crew and at the moment I am building up a Green Arrow crew and options for that until recent releases have been none existent.

The last tournament I went to lacked any speedsters at all so sort of puts either doubt in there usefulness or perhaps they just haven't been tried enough yet.

Anyway a few more figures have now been released for the game Kid Flash (Free agent for Batman, Green Arrow and Law) and Reverse Flash (most villain crews) which neither really jumped out at me until recently the TV Version of the Flash was released alongside another TV character Spartan(Arrow) who are both Green Arrow affiliated only. This second version of the Flash is only 100 rep and has a sidekick rank leaving me still more choice for Free Agents. So what the heck I decided to give speedsters a try out. I have cheaper Arrow leaders (Animated/Dark knight returns) I can use as an alternative to save a few more rep points for henchmen. Though I know really want the TV version of Green Arrow as I can then field a fluffy TV crew.

The model itself is very nice and comes in two halves split at the waist. Clean up was enough and assembly was ok. My only criticism of this model really  is the detail is very soft and once primed and a few thin layers of red then details such as the padding on the gloves and legs are easily lost. My red is perhaps a bit brighter than I would of liked and the yellow piping was a royal pain in the ass but he is finished and useable. Its one of the weird things with Knight models he is quite slender yet others appear quite chunky it must be either different sculptors as the other Flash mini is a lot chunkier in comparison.


  1. A shame what you noticed about details. The pics look neat, pretty nice work!

    1. Most are pretty decent tbh sculpt wise just a bit annoying you get the odd one where the detail just disappears no matter how careful you are thinning the paints.

      Thanks he is done and useable :D

  2. That is about as dynamic a figure pose as I have ever seen.

    And yes do a "Fluff" TV show gang/crew/mob/what ever! I will not only look a lot of fun but I think most people will like it!

    1. It is isn't it. I was quite surprised he was only in two halves. Previous mini's would of had a bout 8 bits!

      Its on the cards I only need 1 model (thats available) to do it. I hope they release a few more of the tv series characters just so its proper.

  3. Very nicely done mate. :)

    I look forward to facing a fluffy Arrow-verse crew one day - a 65 Rep Free Agent would be perfect for them. :)

    1. Yeah indeed I am hopeful of a couple of characters just so there is some variety. It was interesting that Spartan was a Henchmen rather than a Free agent.

  4. The Flash is my fave superhero ever so this would be the crew I would go with, fluffy or not. Nice job dude

    1. Thanks dude. Interestingly you can do a Flash crew in two ways. Batman or Green Arrow as both Flash's are classed as sidekicks they can lead these crews.

  5. he was so wonderfully caught in the movement!

  6. Hmmm... Not a fan of the sculpt at all, Simon. Far too thin imho. However you have done a tip top paint-job on him. How about a "BMG" group shot ;-)

    1. I agree very thin considering the new 52 version is a right chunky monkey!

  7. Sorry, but I agree with Blaxkleric; this guy looks like a lightweight! Of course, I'm used to older, more bulky sculpting styles, so that probably colours my view somewhat.

    Also, there's something about the pose that makes me think he's in mid-stumble and about to face plant :-( .

    1. Sorry for what? I didn't design him lol. As an option for my Green Arrow crew and the officially you can't use proxies at tournaments there's little choice tbh.

      The size I agree with he a lot slimmer than other sculpts this seems to be a theme across the BMG ranges.

      I disagree about the pose I think he captures the running pose of the tv series really well.

  8. Hola Buenas
    Pues para ser una figura que particularmente no me atrae nada,Tu as echo un gran trabajo si seƱor
    un saludo

  9. Nicely done. I've found that the details in a few of the sculpts are very shallow, which makes painting them a challenge for folks like me. I think you did a good job with him!

    1. Thanks I find it a challenge as well. I am no good at recreating the detail with paint.

  10. Great sculpt but shame that you can easily lose detail because of the finer features.
    You've still managed to do fine work that shows up well on the larger pics.
    I do like the pose, it really emphasise 'speed'.

    1. Thanks Joe yeah indeed I think its a good representation of the character.

  11. Think he looks just fine mate. Hope he does you justice on the tabletop!

  12. A shame about the soft details mate, but you've done him justice. He's come up great :)

  13. Good work as usual on such small minis. ^_^ He's crying out for a 'cotton ball' to simulate kicked up dust. Haven't done one myself before but I have seen many used to simulate speed.

    1. Thats a good suggestion! I am unsure about having effects though. I saw an awesome teleport effect on Night Crawler it looked really effective but I fear not very practical for gaming.
