Sunday 23 October 2016

Zomtober 2016 Week 4.......Fail....Ninja'd!

Zomtober Week 4.........Ninja'd quite literally!

Week 4 is a fail for me. Haven't had the mojo todo anything for it. Played in the Batman tournament last weekend had me all enthused for painting BMG and ended painting a loads of Batman stuff instead.........

Nevermind we will see if the itch is scratched and I can get back on track for week 5!

Anyway Ra's Al Ghul (Neeson Version) I finiished ages ago as I just really liked the model. However the ninja's put me off as I don't like painting black. So decided to tackle my phobia and force myself to have a crack. These were all primed black so didn't need a lot really just touch ups to the primer and the eye slits, weapons painted appropriate colours.

Most the ninja's share very similar stats just the odd trait here and there changes there use.

 This is the contents of the League of Shadows Starter. 
The Starter plus the additional ninja blister.

 Ying is one of the Standard Ninja's his attribute is climbing claws and carries the katana a nice double blood weapon that has rerolls to hit and to wound!

 Yang again has the same stats as Yang however his defining attribute is Combo with Katana increasing his attacks as spending 2 counters gives him 3 attacks. Netting him 4 double blood attacks with rerolls. What makes him more deadly is if he can be 'Inspired' or 'Kill them!' by a leader or a side kick potnentially pusing his attacks to 4 which when combo is applied gives him 6 attacks!

 Lotus is a bit more special he costs nearly 17 rep more than either Ying/Yang but carries Shuriken and has the rapid fire trait allowing him to increase his Rate of fire from 2 to 3 allowing a barrage of shots against a target. Lotus also comes with Dodge allowing him to try and avoid missile attacks and reflexes allowing him rerolls for it. Lotus also carries a katana so is not shabby in combat either he has 1 more will power allowing him to move that little bit further or that extra attack after a run.

 Seeker is one of a pair that come in the Ninja booster and armed with a bow. Seeker has no combat weapons as such but carry a bow with standard arrows and poison arrows that cause paralysis. Seeker usually ends up with nightvision goggles, extra ammo (poison arrow) and either hidden deployment or climbing claws if the funding allows.

 Shadow is more of a trickster type ninja. Shadow has undercover giving him a bonus move allowing him to move further forward. Shadows main obvious difference is he carries a Bo staff which only causes single stun damage however it has reach so he can attack without being in base to base and is handy so has rerolls to hit. Shadow's really purpose is block los of the enemy with his smoke bomb. Again usually he gets extra ammo for a second bomb. Blocking shooters for a couple of turns to get the combat ninja's closer to the enemy. 

 My entire League of Shadows collection so far. Interestingly DKR Bane and his mercs can be use in this crew giving a lot of choice and combos.
Also this week I finished off my official Knight models objectives, Ammo, Loot and Titan. I now have two sets (including my scratch built ones) so I can now run dem games with people down at the club.


  1. Love the poses of the League of Shadows collection...and nice looking objectives!

    1. Cheers I really do like the ninjas poses as well. They have really nice action poses amongst the Court of Owls as well.

  2. Corking Ninjas Simon, and what a terrific group shot to boot. You're really doing the "BMG" full justice with both your enthusiasm and postings. Love'em!!

    1. Thanks Simon. I must say it is an addictive game!

  3. I think we can forgive the Zomtober fail, especially as you have offered up these cracking Ninjas as a substitute!

    1. Thanks Michael. I have another Tournament first week in November and my thoughts are heavily zoned in on batman at the moment.

  4. The Ninjas look really cool, Simon. I could find plenty of uses for them in different games.

    1. Thanks Bryan yes indeed. Being on 30mm bases I can use these in games of Pulp City. Though I will have to buy some of there ninjas at some point as they are rather tasty.

  5. Oh Simon (waggles finger), how could you of all people let us down on the zombie front. Perhaps the ninja's are zombies under their masks? Lovely painting anyway, A+. But must try harder.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger. I have to be in the mindset to paint stuff and unfortunately it has been bent towards Batman stuff. Though Walking Dead starts again! So we shall see.

  6. Hola
    Que buenas esas figuras si seƱor
    un saludo

  7. they do look very flexible, unlike them zombies, right? I'm scared to watch TWD tonight

    1. Lol I have still got 12 episodes to catch up from last season yet!

  8. Would these cracking boys be considered The Hand?

  9. Nothing wrong with this buch of "Survivors" If we call them survivors it is not a fail at all but a win by spin!

    Sorry pedantic know-it-all head on please forgive me. Historically Ninjas never wore black suits like this. The reason they are portrayed in black is due to the Kaboki theathre where the stage hands wore black and anyone dressed in black was "to the audience" invisible. Thus if a play had an assassin in it the stage hand would dress in black and a weapon would be see in the victim. But that did not mean the stage hand was the assassin merely that the victim had been killed by something thet To the audience was invisible.

    But there is no historical evidence that Ninjas dressed in Black, Dark blue or grey yes, Black NO>

    Once again I do apologise for being a pedantic know-it-all. No offence was meant.

    1. LOL Thanks Clint. As for the history lesson cheers interesting to know. I have based mine on the Batman Begins movie which is what these figures are tied into.

  10. An absolutely cool bunch of dangerous guys. I love them!

  11. I can't see anything in your pictures. Was your camera pointing the right way? :P

  12. Great stuff! Always such dynamic poses...certainly fits the genre well!

    1. Thanks Gordon. Yes indeed I quite like these dynamic but not ridiculously so.

  13. Great stuff mate. The Ninjas look ace to me. :)

    Hopefully you can catch up for the final week. :)

  14. Love ninja's, love THESE ninjas!

  15. Being enthusiastic about something doesn't need any apology :-) ! Nice ninjas (and hey, there's a *5th* zomtober Sunday this year; perhaps you'll have something ready for that?)

    1. Indeed! I shall have to make an effort this week!

  16. What's not to like about Hollywood ninjas ?
    You've done really good job on these, painting blck is a pain to get any 'detai' showing.

    1. Thanks Joe. I have found Black base, Dark Grey layer leaving the black in the shadows then with a light grey highlight and finally a wash of dark tone over the top tones the greys down and blends it all together.

  17. HAHA Simon, beware the lure of shinies! I am so easily distracted myself, but have managed to stay focused thus far! Nicely done miniatures. I've so far avoided the super-hero/Marvel/DC miniatures having way too many systems already!

    1. I have dropped a few periods myself in order to focus on modern or 70s era stuff. Mainly where terrain can be cross purposed.

  18. They certainly look the part Simon and very tempting.

  19. Every time I see your BMG stuff I get closer to taking the plunge myself :). Great looking minis mate!

  20. Batman and not Zombies eh? Better than me. No zeds and nothing else instead to boast about.

    Very nice League of Shadows stuff - Ninjas are some very natural and cool looking sculpts.

  21. The ninjas all look dynamic and well done but what impressed me most was the facial features on that unmasked dude. Really fantastic painting Simon. I love it when the skin tone is done right for a mini as yours were.
