The painting muse has turned back around to Burrows and Badgers this week. This time finishing off a pair of Barn Owls. One of which I have modified by adding a slightly different style helmet. These are both from my first order from Oathsworn miniatures leaving just the Shrew Knight left from that batch to do. I am not sure what scheme to do his beetle yet so will start on the kickstarter batch next as I quite fancy doing a frog and another mouse.
I went for two very different colour schemes for the feathers on both of them. I started with tau ochre on the right hand owl followed by a strong tone wash. I then did several drybrushing layers adding a bit of bone to the ochre each time finally using bone on its own. I then washed it with soft tone.
The other owl I started with Ushabti Bone, washed with soft tone then lots of drybrushing again adding a bit more white to the bone each time. I then did pure white feather tips.
I've also been knocking out some more scatter terrain out of my fake grass samples I picked up a few years back. I am not 100% sold on them but they will do to help cover the table.