Wednesday 20 June 2012

Le Horde Begins

Finished my 6 Wargames Factory Zeds this week. I can't say i'm impressed with the details on these miniatures They came from Lord Siwoc so that has saved me a few quid on buying a boxed set. I think if I'd of bought them I'd of been disappointed. Especially trying to make up all the sprue's and make them appear different. Detail is very soft and after only a very light undercoat most detail is obscured. I still plodded on and got them finished they will obviously be just fodder for the guns. I had a play with some milliput and tried to add some burst gut from the fat Zombie. I found out I need more practice and perhaps need to source some research me thinks. These will look fine from a distance.

Total Zombies painted so far 8 if I can get this upto about 30 painted I think I can start getting some games going.


  1. I agree that are not that good, but for a horde they do manage the job.

    1. I of course mean the miniatures, and not your painting.

      I re read what I had written and though "Yikes! That's not what I mean!"

    2. LOL no worries mates. To be honest I didn't enjoy painting these as much as my other stuff

  2. I’ve got to say, for representing a shambling mass of undead they do the job perfectly. Always tricky when there isn’t the detail to get your teeth into, so to speak. ;)

    1. That's how I've treated them just done a quick job on them. the detail is soft even less so after a light undercoat. The Copplestone zombies being metal are much better . I think that's where I'm going to head with my zeds stick to metal.

  3. You did it! And survived! :D

    Great job, I love the white-only eyes, veryzombastic. I still can't really paint eyes on mine :(

    I still think those guys aren't too bad. You can chop them all day long :P

    The idea with the guts is alway good, especially for the fat guy, because his torso is somewhat small compared to others...he looks weird no matter how you build him. But I think you should do that with some other putty, because miliput can't be rolled thin enough without it breaking. At least thats my experience.

    And think about mixing some black with the red for the blood, I think it might look a bit better :)

    For the metal only, victory force seems to be the best bet, and check heresy for their 1 pound random zombie deal.

    1. I keep forgetting about the Heresy ones. Its remembering when I have the cash spare thats the problem :D

  4. I see what you mean, they do see to lack detailing in the clothes and such. On a positive though they are some decent poses and will work excellent in a zombie hoard! :)

    1. Yes there are now hard edges if you know what I mean. Its all kind of blurred. They look really rough in the photos they are okish in the flesh but they will just be used as fodder.

  5. Even with a great paintjob, these are not good figures. I'm looking forward to seeing what Studio Minis do with their upcoming range of plastic zombies. From what I've seen they'll blow these guys out of the water and they may make you rethink your stance on only buying metal zombies in the future.

    1. Yes there are those. I must get some of Studios metal ones as well.

  6. I remember when I first heard of these WF Zombies, I was so excited and planned on getting tons of them to quickly build my horde. After everything I have heard of them, I am glad I did not.
    You've painted these up well enough, and they look passable in the distance shot, but you're right, they are no match for metal zeds.
    We all hope Studio Miniatures does a much better job

    1. These where kindly sent to me by Lord Siwoc as I couldn't make my mind up so he sent me sprue. They look ok once built but even with a very thin coat its just kills the detail

  7. Those came out pretty good. Nice paint job on cheapo minis. As Mathyoo said, you can do a lot with them, and your conversion of the fat guy is a great idea. And as, Vampifan, said, don't give up on plastics until the new Studio Miniatures plastic zeds come out.

  8. I wouldn't worry about the detail on them, the fact that they're cheap is a plus. I doubt if anyone takes anything but a fleeting glance at the figures once you're in the middle of a game with them. After all how long are they going to last on the table once the action starts ?

    1. Agreed! That's why I persevered with them as they add bult. I don't think I could do a whole box of these though, certainly not all at the same time mind

  9. I will have some of them together on a bigger base. That way they are not ...THAT bad....

    I too look forward to the Studio miniature zombie set!!!

    Still Simon.... The infection spreads!!

    1. Indeed Johnny. They look fine until you add paint it just swamps what little detail there is.

  10. They weren't great sculpts but I had 2 boxes and someone else painted them for me, you've done well Brummie!

  11. Nice painting Brum, WF are not the best Z figures out there, but they look fine to me!!!

  12. I'm going to steal your guts hanging out idea!

  13. You did a good job on some bad models. I thought about picking some up, but decided against it. I am quite happy with the victory force guys. Give them a look.
