Sunday, 9 November 2014

Post Apoc Terrain Piece

Started making a building for Across the Dead Earth this week. It serves two purposes as an entry for a couple of competitions (just for fun). The task in this competition is to build a piece of terrain where height is a factor and that it is mostly scratch built.

I've decided to go for a simple two storey structure that is partially collapsed. The roof is still fluctuating as to what it will be. (currently dithering between a damaged tiled roof or a flat roof with a some sort of improvised barricades on).

Here is the wip from start to what is structurally nearly finished. Started mostly Friday and left to dry on Saturday. I need to pick up some cork or cat litter or something as I want to do a rubble strewn base.

The beginnings polystyrene scavenged packaging. The Base is from a commercially bought cake I just cleaned it. Obviously after very much enjoying the eating of said cake :D

 The lower floor before it got hacked into a thinner shape.

 I wanted as second means of accessing the first floor and didn't want to to the obvious ladder route decided to use a wrecked vehicle as a means of entry.
 Bit more of an idea of the overall look. I used some average height figures to measure things as  I went along.
 The beginnings of the collapsed rear of the building the stair well I'm in two minds about again as I can't decide yet between realistic looking stairs and playable ones.

Its current state. I figured the ground floor to be an old looted store of some sort. The Sprue representing what remains of the windowed front. There won't be much interior wise as it will have been looted long ago. If I get time I might have a crack at some furniture bits but we'll see if time allows.

Any suggestions are welcome.


  1. You are off to a great start mate. Good stuff. :)

  2. Cracking start mate. I do like the vehicle as an entry point a useful and clever idea.
    Suggestion wise: It all depends on how versatile you want the building to be. But I would try to make it look like nature had taken the building back.

    1. Cheers I do intend to nature it up a bit I have some flock and tufts and other bits to add to it at the end.

  3. Looking good so far, Simon. I agree with Clint's comment about nature taking over.

    1. Thanks Bryan Yeah I intend to as a final step. I though having a tree inside but don't think i'll have the time todo it.

  4. Looking good so far, and I especially like the planking work. I must confess I prefer playable stairs to natural looking ones as if there's one thing I dislike its lovely looking terrain which doesn't then let you plonk your minis midway up the stairs.

    1. I forgot to add that your postings Ref "Across The Dead Earth" have lead to me ordering their printed rulebook - curse you!! :-)

    2. Thanks mate. Hope you enjoy it as much ad I do; )

  5. Looking good so far, and great idea with the vehicle.

    As to the tree idea. The only thing I can think of is, would the building's floor be constructed upon concrete foundations, originally? As if so, unless there's a crater or hole, how would a seed reach the soil to grow out from. Moss and mould-growing fauna can grow in surprising locations, but as far as I know trees and plant's require some soil to take root into. But I'm no botanist.

    Hope this helps.

    1. Obviously, not a botanist! I meant Flora, not fauna :)

    2. Its just an idea. I imagine if a flood could of forced mud inside or the exposure to the open air could do alot of damage breaking up foundations etc. Especially when the game its set a number of generations after the collapse. The foundations of the building and the tree could easily be broken up you think of all the problems tree roots cause.

    3. sorry, don't get me wrong, it's a sound idea. as you say a multitude of eventualities could break up the foundations and allow a tree to grow. the way i wrote it is at fault.

    4. Lol don't worry its a valid point. It just means I'd have to have the tree growing out of a damaged hole in the floor. Or a mud slip or something. :)

  6. Looks very good, I like the use sprue. The only thing I wonder about is how accessible the large part's interior will be if the bridge and small part are fixed in place.

    1. Cheers Sean. The bridge won't be a fixed feature for that exact reason. The van blocks one side so there is no point entering it from that side. The side with the sprue on shouldn't be to much trouble to move from either side really.

  7. As mentioned in other places , this really looks promising.

    Well done so far mate!

    1. Thanks mate I just hope it looks half decent when finished.

  8. You've found a way to combine cake-eating and terrain-building. Brilliant!

    Looks great. I've recently started using cork for basing. Would probably serve your rubble needs very nicely.

    1. I've seen it used in a few places now quite convincing rubble it makes as well as the cat litter (unused).

  9. Very creative scratch-building, Simon. Looking really good already.

    1. Cheers Dean all in the spirit if the competition

  10. Looking good dude!
    The vehicle as access is a great idea, as is the plank bridge.
    You are proving that you can have your cake and eat it.

  11. You built that fast; I'm looking forward to the progress.

    1. Thanks mate it was quite easy compared to building something thats not meant to look wrecked lol

  12. You've been busy Simon and it looks great! Can't wait to see further developments.

    1. Cheers Michael Its going to be my main project for this month.

  13. Looking good there Simon and I can not wait to see it with a spot of paint on it

    1. Thanks mate hopefully the painting shall commence the weekend.

  14. This is a great scratchbuild Brummie. I'll look forward to seeing where and how you take it further.

    1. Cheers. Not done much else to it since Friday awaiting a delivery of cat litter :D

  15. That's really very creative. Seriously can't wait to see it fully painted.

    1. Thanks. I hope I can do it just terrain isn't my thing so this is all a progressive learning,

  16. This is looking great Simon! I have one small suggestion, put some sprue on the the opening where to crashed vehicle is adding a bit of "window frame" in both openings will give the ground floor a sense of symmetry.

  17. Looking great. The crashed van acting as a second "ladder" is a touch of genius.

  18. Looks great, should be nice when painted

  19. Woow, pretty nice stuff you got out from nothing! I'm amazed by the creative use of the pieces, well done!

    1. Thanks Suber! nearly there construction wise now will do an update tomorrow.

  20. Great progress and a fantastic idea! How can you not enjoy building terrain like this?
    Vehicle as an access point is great, ladders are nice but there's always good to think out of the box.

    Staircase is an ever present question and I'd go with playability over realistic steps as this is a gaming piece after all. And realistic steps always look silly next to the bases.

    I wouldn't overthink the vegetation. Stuff grows from all kinds of cracks.

    Perhaps you should do something about the windows so they are more than mere holes - a window shelf or something?

    1. Thanks I need to get a ladder for the first floor to the roof. But I've done what you suggested with the windows.

  21. Hey Brummie, this looks great. What a great use of the materials.

    1. Thanks glad you like it. I'm quite pleased with it so far.
