Sunday, 29 January 2017

I won Something!

I've been meaning to write this for a while. Before Christmas I entered a Facebook competition on a painters page. Brushstroke is run by James who is a fabulous painter and i've been following him a long time. James paints up mostly Lord of the Rings miniatures with the occasional random figure for palate cleansing but has also done figures for a few charity auctions.

His Facebook page if your interest is called BrushStroke and if you click here should take you to his page and you can have a browse of his work.

To my surprise I was randomly selected and I won! Its a Windsor and Newton Series 7 paint brush. Like most of us I've read about these brushes on many painting articles being used by the professionals. I've always wondered whether these brushes do make a difference however the tight ass in me always gets me to stick to my cheap brushes. I am going to paint my next figure purely with this brush to try it out.

I need to get some brush soap as well to make sure I look after the brush properly.


  1. That's quite a prize!
    Enjoy painting with it!

  2. Congratulations. Nice prize. I hope it serves you well.

  3. Well done! Now use the golden brush wisely! :)

  4. Nice! Good luck with the brush! They are supposed to be some of the best quality you can get.

  5. Brilliant. I am sure It could not have gone to a more worthy person.

  6. Everyone loves a winner! Well done Simon.

  7. Congrats! W&N Series Sevens can't be beat.

    What size is it?

    1. Cheers its a 00 I think nice layer/detail brush.

  8. Congrats! I'm not shocked, though - your painting is excellent.

    1. Cheers it was just a random selection. Nothing done on my part except from liking/sharing a post

  9. Congrats on the win! :)

    Once you've tried it out I don't think you'll go back to cheap brushes. If you look after it properly, it will actually work out cheaper than buying lots of cheap ones - my size 1s typically last about a year, the others longer [not used as much]

    1. I am enjoying it so far. More than I thought I was going to.

  10. Gee, no need to brag so much :)

  11. Congrats Simon. Perhaps do 2 of the same figure, one with this brush & the other with your standard brushes...same colour palate otherwise....

  12. Very nicely done mate! I too am a cheap arse when it comes to buying brushes. :/ I always feel that a brush for $20+ is also a $20+ mini/model that I'll have to say no to instead! XD
