Well its been rather quiet lately on the hobby front. Training courses, a weekend away with the family and the prep and packing involved with that has result in not much time painting. There has been some additions to the project log. So this will be my 'not going to salute loot post lol' Having sold all my Batman collection (well nearly all of it) I had a large sum of paypal burning a hole in my pocket. Some of it has gone on various purchase towards my Joe Project mainly weapons, heads, and equipment as well as a few more bodies for conversions. But as always with saying goodbye to the old we can say hello to the new! Please note the images are not from the rulebook just some I fond based on Redwall that I particularly like
As you can see at Brummie Towers the banner has changed to a rather marvellous looking mouse fellow possibly based on Martin the Warrior from the Redwall Series by Brian Jacques. I have been admiring the miniatures produced by Oathsworn miniatures for there Burrows and Badgers range a while now. A few online friends have been sharing their painted figures online as well and I had a good look at Michael and Jo's fabulous display stand at the Derby World show last year and the figures look gorgeous.
The game is set in Northymbria a sort of alternate England type map ( which of course makes your imagination run wild for some fun places to name). The warbands are comprised of anthropomorphic animals. Mostly with a Woodlands theme so expect to see Mice, Shrews, Dormice, Rats, Ferrets, Stoats, Weasels, Toads, Squirrels, Snakes, Bats, Sparrows, Foxes, Badgers and Hounds to name a few as well as a few exotic creatures which are fun to include but restricted as rarer creatures.

The game is set in Northymbria a sort of alternate England type map ( which of course makes your imagination run wild for some fun places to name). The warbands are comprised of anthropomorphic animals. Mostly with a Woodlands theme so expect to see Mice, Shrews, Dormice, Rats, Ferrets, Stoats, Weasels, Toads, Squirrels, Snakes, Bats, Sparrows, Foxes, Badgers and Hounds to name a few as well as a few exotic creatures which are fun to include but restricted as rarer creatures.

The game is aimed at Skirmish/Campaign play with rules for both one off games and playing through a campaign. Model count is quite small with anything from 5-10 figures per side. All creatures can be taken and mixed if you wish. There are four themed factions with there own rules so you can theme your warbands. Also there are rules for single race factions as well so you can take all mice or rats etc.

There are ways of creating your creatures and some natural stats are better than others but anyone can be ranged, melee or magic users.
The characters are defined by several stats which use different dice values to represent skill level so so starting at D4 and some can potentially go upto D20's (with advances during campaigns) Most test use opposed rolls. Movement is an obvious one though it is listed as dice value. What i find interesting is you can move upto you max value over normal terrain but when crossing some obstacles or entering difficult terrain you roll the dice to determine how far you can move through it.
Strike is your combat statistic and when attacking your opponent uses the dice under the block value. There is also Ranged vs Nimbleness, Concealement, Awareness, Fortitude and Presence.
Dice are rolled and to attack for example adding any relevant modifiers the winner being the one with the highest score and the difference being how many wounds are cause. If you roll the top value on a dice you also score whats called a perfect roll. A Perfect roll adds +7 to your score which allows even smaller creatures a chance of hurting and harming those biggers ones. Without going into the maths to much your far more likely to get a Perfect roll on a D4 (25%) versus a D10 (10%).
All creatures have 16 wounds each and various skills offset that so bigger creatures will be naturally tougher to bring down as they will soak some damage up.
The recent kickstarter saw the rule book being reprinted after updating and streamlining the first edition of the rules. I don't know the differences but I am told there are quite a few between first and second.
Some of the figures from the recent Rogues and Vagabonds kick starter are still to be added to the webstore as they are currently fulfilling that one. Thats expected to be added in 3-4 weeks. However there are still a ton of figures to choose from.
So after much nail biting descion making I made my mind up and place my first order. (I have to say whats great is free shipping when you spend over £30!) The order arrived last Monday and I have to say the packaging was absolutely top notch. Arriving in a firm card carton the figures where in a plastic box with layers of bubble wrap and packing peanuts securing the figures wonderfully.

The rulebook is hardback, full colour and weighs in at around 126 pages. Including some excellent drawings and photographs of painted figures. Its laid out in a straightforward format. Including the usual warband sheets at the back (which are also available online to download and print). I have to add that by ordering direct you get an extra scenario printed on coloured card and a free Mouse Burglar figure!
My selection of Woodland animals. I mostly went for what I liked the look of the most. I have a soft spot for Owls and birds so they were high up on my to get list. So I got both Sparrows and the Barn Owl.
As you can see they vary in size. With mice, shrews and bats being small creatures are around the 20mm height. Then moving upto medium creatures which are 30-40mm in height. The Barn Owl was the largest but I think the biggest creature that is done is the male badger model.
Bat Necromancer, Sparrow warriors and Adder Mage!

Mice and Shrews various, maids, warriors, mages and Pirate Shrews! Oh and a Shrew Errant Knight riding a Stag Beetle!
Some close ups of the bigger characters the details is fabulous I am looking forward to getting these painted.
Basing and clean up begins. The usual filing off of moldlines (I have to say very minimal)

The only issue I had was a slightly miscast owl which had a crack running all the way round the centre. But a quick email exchange and a replacement owl was recieved by Thursday which is absolutely spot on customer service. So not wanting to waste such a gorgeous model I have filled in the crack and added some 'boob' armour to the breast plate to create a female Barn owl. I also added a helmet inspired by the Guardians of Ga'Hoole. I need to file it smooth and base it.
Exciting times ahead hope you all keeping well I've had a catch up this morning on what everyone has been upto as well lots of exciting hobby projects going on.
Nice to see you've appropriated the hobby fund, looks to be a lot of fun with some very characterful sculpts
ReplyDeleteI rememeber "Bunnies and Burrows" and couldn't get my head around that and this recent re-incarnation of the theme hasn't changed my viewpoint.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that these sculpts look great and I've seen some superb paint-jobs on them(no doubt yours will be too) and if there;s enjoyment to be had from the game I see no problem with it.
I also remember Bunnies and Burrows.
DeleteI concur with Joe about this game
Never heard of that one. A quick google reveals a watership down type rpg. Yes I can imagine that being very scarring. This is more a Fantasy Skirmish but with animals species instead of the usual differing races.
DeleteTerrific posting, Simon. I'll put a link in to this on my "Burrows & Badgers" monthly project which starts on Friday :-)
ReplyDeleteAwesome. I managed to prime some figures this afternoon so hope paint to commence soon.
DeleteI really love the idea of this game and nearly succumbed at Salute! My willpower is wilting by the day
ReplyDeletelol I know its hard. I am still searching for that one game that scratches the Fantasy itch for me. I am hoping this is it.
DeleteDue to early Trauma FORCED to read watership down at school as well as the whole Bunnies and Burrows game fiasco this is not a game for me.
ReplyDeleteSo I shall watch from the side line and try not to let my jaundiced opinions get in the way! With that let me wish you luck and enjoy the painting which is bound to follow
Thanks Clint. I have only vague memories of Watership Down and don't plan to re-watch it anytime soon. I shall drop you an email about the Bunnies Fiasco. You have me intrigued for sure.
DeleteBest of luck with this new venture, Simon. I shall be watching with interest.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryan. I hope you will enjoy it :)
DeleteWhat a fantastic box of minis!
ReplyDeleteThey are lovely indeed!
DeleteWhile mice are currently on my most hated list - they are wrecking havoc with the horse feed at the farm currently - this looks pretty interesting. Looking forward to seeing more :)
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear it Ivor. Would getting some cats help with your mouse problem?
DeleteThey look absolutely stunning Simon, best of luck with them.
ReplyDeleteThey are really lovely the website doesn't do the figures justice.
DeleteI’ve also been tempted by these miniatures but now I’ll have to collect them vicariously through you! Which is all for the best as I doubt that I’d be able to paint them really well. It’s always fun to follow along with a new project.
ReplyDeleteCheers Stew. They are really nice models no silly details so should be hopefully easy enough to paint up for anyone.
DeleteGreat review! The models were enough to tempt me but since getting the rulebook I just can't wait to play a game. I'm already planning a second warband, but I'll wait until the second kickstarter figures are up.
ReplyDeleteAwesome sounds like a plan. I am hoping to get upto 6 figures done by next week just so I can play some small 3 vs 3 to get used to the rules properly.
DeleteSo cute illustrations and figures Simon, best of luck!
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of cool artwork out there. Thanks very much Phil!
DeleteI keep looking at these figures and I've been very tempted. I'm not sure they'd appeal to my gaming group though. But they are very tempting...
ReplyDeleteThey are even nicer in the flesh its the one thing that I see brought up in the facebook group is that the photo's on the site don't do the figures justice.
DeleteI am sure you could tempt them to join in though :)
I HAVE Bunnies and Burrows, an original copy no less hehe. We enjoyed as many games of this as we did ODD Dungeons and Dragons Traveler and Runequest, back in the day.
ReplyDeleteThis new incarnation in the form of Burrows and Badgers looks absolutely stunning. My only gripe (and its a major one) is that all the figures seem to be wielding weapons in the most dramatic poses: this makes it very hard verging on impossible to make them `live and breath` in narrative play (and especially in photos). Its an old chestnut I`ve had with miniatures for yours... not enough non combat poses, which makes it so hard aesthetically when trying to set up some on table scenes.
But wow, these ones look lovely dont they.
Awesome. Yeah there are only a few I suppose. This is more aimed at being a Skirmish game rather than full on RPG from what I've read about Bunnies and Burrows. Saying that I suppose the campaign system has RPG Lite rules.
DeleteBut meh! Even so Simon, the game and the miniatures is VERY tempting, and your post has weakened my resolve a little further :-) I`m delighted you picked it up for yourself and are obviously going to have a whale of a time playing it all.
Deletefor years not for yours.... sorry bad typo.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, just SOME times, my 'Financial Dictator' just happens to glance over my shoulder to see what I'm looking at on the screen.
ReplyDeleteIt just HAD to happen while I was reading this excellent review Simon, and instead for once the gaffer actually passed a comment!!
Something along the lines of "Now why don't you have games like that? I WOULD (capital letters, bold, underscored for emphasis) like to play games with models like those!"
So now now look what you've gone and done ;-)
Awesome glad to be of service!
DeleteIt's a great looking game, me anf the GF are going to delve into this for sure
ReplyDeleteYeah have had another read and looking forward to getting my first games in.
DeleteSounds pretty straight forward rule-wise. I really like the minis too.
ReplyDeleteWould love to get into this game, though, like all my other projects, it would be a silly endeavour to buy in with my already stupid large backlog screaming at me to just get on with painting! (To which I reply, but... FarCry5?)
They seem fun! But nothing is silly if you like it ;)
DeleteLol I don't play computer games anymore. I don't have the time!
I'm excited to see your take on these beauties. I've been a fan of the range for a while now, just because it remembers me so much of Redwall, Wind in the Willows, ...
ReplyDeleteThe owl conversion is already a wonderful start.
Thanks Wouter! They are really nice minis mate I am loving painting them.
DeleteI am new to Redwall but on book 4 already and really enjoying them. I must revisit Wind in the Willows it has been really such a long time since I watch the tv series as a kid.