Sunday, 18 December 2011

More agents of Questionable Virtue and something Spiritual

Been a busy week again this week but had a whole afternoon to myself yesterday so managed to get these started and finished. First up is a pack from Artizan Thrilling tales range 'Department of Ungentlemenly Warfare' I can't find this pack on there website as a set but the figures are there individually.

I like these chap's I think they will make some great agents or henchmen. I like the idea of hidden weapons or gadgets. So in my twisted imagination the chap in the middle 'Mr Peregrin' will be armed with a gadgety umbrella perhaps releasing knockout gas or something. Chap in the Bolla hat and grey suit (sites not responding and I can't remember his name off the top of my head) will be armed with a sword stick.
'Reggie' Obviously isn't very stealthy and he has a Tommy gun.

Next Pack I got done yesterday was from Crooked Dice 7TV range 'Group Captain Jim Barrowight' I really like the pose and in my KKBB games he will lead my British special forces troops (Coming soon). My second attempt at painting DPM which I think is a lot better but still needs some practice.

Heres a pic of my first go for comparison.

Which looking at it is nothing like it lol

This guy was really frustrating I changed the colour of his top and trousers twice. I gave up in the end and just finished him because on the verge of being launched up the garden.


  1. nice - I like the one with the umber-rella the most.

  2. Excellent, I love the idea of a 'Department of Ungentlemenly Warfare' . Brilliant stuff Sir.

  3. What a nice bunch of painted figures. I like the idea of hidden weapons.

    PS: the last one looks good in my eyes.


  4. Cheers guys.

    @Michael It was partially pinched from this but I changed it from Ministry to Department.

    Some interesting stuff here. I'm waiting for a book to come from the library all about the S.O.E should be interesting

  5. They've all come out really well, Captain Jack, sorry, Captain Jim, is my favourite out of the bunch. Your camo pattern looks good on him.

  6. Thanks Vampifan He was the favorite of this batch to paint. Though i did paint the camo twice. was too busy the first time round.

  7. good stuff I like how you did the dark suits with the grey highlights, come up really well.

  8. Love it! most of my 7TV stuff is from Artizan.

  9. Cheers thanks fellas Artizan have a lot of stuff that can be used in there Thrilling tales range. There are some more figures in there I wanna get to use as armed gypsies

  10. Those are very nice. I like Reggie a lot. Tommy guns are always a nice weapon choice. Great paint jobs on all, though.

  11. Thanks Joe. I think If I had the bits I would of swapped it for something more stealthy looking but I don't so I won't.

  12. Great looking guys again. The camo looks pretty good to me.

  13. Excellent work Brummie and many a figure has been launched by myself in the past and never found....

  14. Thanks Fran, He was a pain to glue his axe hand on its tiny to small to pin and kept sticking to my fingers rather than the arm
