Friday, 12 October 2012

Reaper Miniatures Berkeley Zombie Hunter

My last and final survivor figure from my batch or Reaper Chronoscope miniatures. I do want more of them especially the zombie themed ones but alas money demands it be shared out on other ranges.

Anyway this final lady is Berkeley, Zombie Survivor she is certainly tooled up for zombie fighting chainsaw, shotgun and a machete tied to her hip. I may return to her at some point and add some gore but I'm undecided still. Nice sculpt really like the rips and tears in her jeans as well as the zombie hand still gripping the trouser leg. Grrr I hate eyes nuff said they got re-done a number of time with this figure.

Heres what I mean put them next to each other and they look like bro and sis.


  1. Nice work. Another potential Vonnie. Shotgun and chainsaw one heck of a combination. Really good paint job.

    1. My first figure with a chainsaw still not sure about it lol. My brain keeps telling me no she'll never survive is to noisy but the other parts like yeaahhhhh let them ave it!

    2. Given the choice between Chainsaw and guitar I know which I'd choose in a zombie setting.

    3. Point taken given a real choice i'd like a castle with its own walled in gardens, a well, moat, fully provisioned and an armoury full of various medieval weapory and armour.

  2. Nice model pal, don't worry about the eyes, you're doing them right!! ;)

    1. Cheers Gnotta, I bought some glasses meant for reading I think and this has helped picking out details just took me a while to get used to the different depth perception.

  3. Really they seems like brother and sister!

    Chainsaw have a lot of drawbacks, but is too cool!

  4. They look real nice! And what secret weapon is hidden in the guitar? ;-)

