Bit of a filler post mid week. I have been furiously playing catch up this week with last one being a big fat zero for hobby time. The Across the Dead Earth painting competition is looming with this Saturday being the final deadline. Its in two parts single miniature from the recently released two gangs Sisters of Acquisition and the Engineers Forward Expeditionary Squads (F.E.S). The other entry is a complete gang from across the range so far.

Well seeing as I have most of the range painted already all I have left really is the Engineers to paint up and Crimson (KS Exclusive mini) I have managed to get 3 out of the 5 Engineers done. With the other 2 closely following them. I'll post pics Sunday as a group and with more individual shots as they have some really lovely details.
I have got a game planned for next with the good gentlemen Pulp Citizen its to be a game of 7TV so I shall be doing some prep work over the weekend and creating some balanced casts (well I hope they are at any rate)

Also on the Nexus miniatures front Doctor Warlock has set up a blog for all the background material he's written its full of lots of great stories if your interested go and have a read through there rather good. Theres also a sneak peek of some of the next set of releases and there are some fab looking minis your Uncle would like.
I do like the idea of the engineers, though I can't quite see what they'll use all those wrenches for after the apocalypse. Unless there's a whole load of heavy machinery just lying about everywhere?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to hearing about your 7TV game!
They are fab models load of detail. The wrench are mostly used for hitting things :) and occasionally for dismantling stuff other than people :)
DeleteLike the look of the Engineers Simon and the sound of you playing "7TV". Have fun :-)
ReplyDeleteThere great minis with plenty of uses. I can see them fighting terminators and zombies as well
DeleteThose two females look so cute. I quite fancy buying their gang to use in my own zombie apocalypse games.
ReplyDeleteThey would make great survivalist types. I intend on getting a second set at some point and swapping out the RPG on Daisy for some sort of Assault rifle.
DeleteI have to agree, I think the Engineers are some of the nicest sculpts out of my AtDE stuff so far. Looking forward to seeing what you've done with yours.
ReplyDeleteAll will be revealed the weekend!
DeleteLooking forward to the batrep
ReplyDeleteNot sure there will be one this time. Still getting to grips with the game. I may take a few pics though :)
DeleteVery cool graphics. The second guy looks like Burt from Tremors. ;)
ReplyDeleteLol yes he does a bit!
DeleteThe concept art on these look great I can't wait to see yours.
ReplyDeleteThanks Robert. Finished last night and taking pics this afternoon so will be ready for a post this weekend.
DeleteMy favourite concept art is Pic. No.2.
ReplyDeleteI like them all perhaps a little biased but the miniatures are amazingly like the concept art.
DeleteNice looking models in both gangs. I am slowly reading through the ATDE rules and so far am enjoying the read.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear it. It can take a little getting used to with the the hitting over and saving under but once you get into the swing of things you can pretty much just play the game with put referring to the book.
DeleteLooking forward to the 7TV game mate. :)