Well following on from my previous post further work has gone on with the Shatter Crown Hellesburne figures They know only need hair/beards, Metal areas and the sash across the bodies painting and then I can move on to washing and highlights.
Well following on from my previous post further work has gone on with the Shatter Crown Hellesburne figures They know only need hair/beards, Metal areas and the sash across the bodies painting and then I can move on to washing and highlights.

Batman wise another session should see the Penguin Emperor and the Titan Thug finished in the next session leaving Penguin himself left to finish off. I'll take pics when finished.
Zombie game with the Kids
Played the zombie game yesterday with the kids it went quite well. It was probably to easy for them but they got to blast zombies, find food (Custard Creams) and get there full teams to the truck and escape eating Milky Way bars :)
Team Leila.
Amy (HF Dionne) the Star with twin pistols in blue, Daddy (Studio Mel) to the left with a shotgun, Lilly (HF Jess) to the right with shotgun and Hockey Stick (two handed weapon). Bringing up the rear Brandon (OOP Firemen) with Fire axe(two handed weapon) and Dolly (Billie) with erm a Doll (Hand weapon) well some are quite heavy and seemingly indestructible.
Amy (HF Dionne) the Star with twin pistols in blue, Daddy (Studio Mel) to the left with a shotgun, Lilly (HF Jess) to the right with shotgun and Hockey Stick (two handed weapon). Bringing up the rear Brandon (OOP Firemen) with Fire axe(two handed weapon) and Dolly (Billie) with erm a Doll (Hand weapon) well some are quite heavy and seemingly indestructible.
Team Carmen
Sarah the Star with twin pistols (Kitty), Anxious with pistol(Copplestone Biker), Andy (Ray) with shotgun and bat (hand weapon), William (Dixon) with Crossbow and Lou Lou (Beth) with bolt action rifle.
Sarah the Star with twin pistols (Kitty), Anxious with pistol(Copplestone Biker), Andy (Ray) with shotgun and bat (hand weapon), William (Dixon) with Crossbow and Lou Lou (Beth) with bolt action rifle.
A few in game shots. Girls started in left and right lower corners and had to reach the red truck picking up food on the way.
Both said they want to play again so win win and I quite enjoyed it. My eldest Carmen says she'd like to try something a bit more complicated so I'll have to have a think about that.
I made a basic twelve card search deck. 4 were medical kits which allowed the team to heal 1 hit point with and the rest where food items with a number on mostly with a (1)but there were 2 cards with (2) on and for each one turned over they got to eat a custard cream biscuit or two :) This cost an action to flip a card. Rather than searching locations I just shuffled the cards and spread them across the table next to buildings and vehicles.
WeaponsOne of the things I hadn't though about was dual weapons as both girls picked a character with twin pistols I simple doubled the dice they rolled. The error I made with this was that I allowed a Star character who added an extra dice to both shooting and fighting and could re roll one dice per turn. So when shooting was rolling 5 dice. I think in future it will allow either and extra dice or enable them to split the fire against two targets perhaps.
Shotguns were to powerful. I think reducing the dice by one and increasing the to hit to 4,5,6 would make it less deadly as it decimated the zombies.
Zombies were easily taken out by most of the ranged weapons some missed but most hit. I am unsure whether to introduce a save throw of some kind perhaps.
Noise generation needs working on we rolled 2D6 zombies on the table at the start and most were despatched by end of the first turn. I rolled D6 reinforcements plus the dice grave for shooting each turn. Then on each turn the D6 increased upto 5D6 on turn 5.
Overall it worked well was enjoyed by all and that the main thing. I shall tweak it abit for next time I think and see how they get on.
Zombies worked well. I allowed them two actions but only one could be a movement. They inflicted some damage enough to get the med kits used and I think at the end two of Leila's characters were down to a single hit point. I am thinking of just allowing a single action to represent the zombies slowness but still allow a free attack when moving into base to base contact.
I randomly selected the tank zombie, small zombies and a couple of gun zombies they all died equally fast though the tank zombie dished out some hurt when in combat. Shooting wise gun zombies did very little but they were despatched in short order as well.
I made a basic twelve card search deck. 4 were medical kits which allowed the team to heal 1 hit point with and the rest where food items with a number on mostly with a (1)but there were 2 cards with (2) on and for each one turned over they got to eat a custard cream biscuit or two :) This cost an action to flip a card. Rather than searching locations I just shuffled the cards and spread them across the table next to buildings and vehicles.
WeaponsOne of the things I hadn't though about was dual weapons as both girls picked a character with twin pistols I simple doubled the dice they rolled. The error I made with this was that I allowed a Star character who added an extra dice to both shooting and fighting and could re roll one dice per turn. So when shooting was rolling 5 dice. I think in future it will allow either and extra dice or enable them to split the fire against two targets perhaps.
Shotguns were to powerful. I think reducing the dice by one and increasing the to hit to 4,5,6 would make it less deadly as it decimated the zombies.
Zombies were easily taken out by most of the ranged weapons some missed but most hit. I am unsure whether to introduce a save throw of some kind perhaps.
Noise generation needs working on we rolled 2D6 zombies on the table at the start and most were despatched by end of the first turn. I rolled D6 reinforcements plus the dice grave for shooting each turn. Then on each turn the D6 increased upto 5D6 on turn 5.
Overall it worked well was enjoyed by all and that the main thing. I shall tweak it abit for next time I think and see how they get on.
Zombies worked well. I allowed them two actions but only one could be a movement. They inflicted some damage enough to get the med kits used and I think at the end two of Leila's characters were down to a single hit point. I am thinking of just allowing a single action to represent the zombies slowness but still allow a free attack when moving into base to base contact.
I randomly selected the tank zombie, small zombies and a couple of gun zombies they all died equally fast though the tank zombie dished out some hurt when in combat. Shooting wise gun zombies did very little but they were despatched in short order as well.
Progress all round, nothing focusses a survivor's mind like a custard cream!
ReplyDeleteYes indeed!
DeleteFor the double shooters, maybe allow them to fire both weapons at a minus (-1 against the same target, -2 if splitting their fire; or standard vs the first, second weapon at -1). Also change the bonus to either one extra die or one reroll.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see you getting your youngsters enthused about gaming. I'm sure the custard creams and Milky Ways had no effect at all on their enjoyment of the game :)
Thanks for the suggestion! I didn't tell them until the first card was turned over either and they just knew something special was inside the truck :)
DeleteNice work Simon. Looks like a great result all round
ReplyDeleteThanks Will :)
DeleteA wonderful batrep, Simon. Everyone had fun - what more could you want? Sure, tweak the rules but overall, they seemed to work well.
ReplyDeleteThanks yes they worked as intended which was to move stuff about roll dice and shout pew pew and braiiiins alot :)
DeleteGood progress.... i want my dauther to start playing miniatures games like your.
ReplyDeleteCheers they know a little about zombies mainly from Plants vs Zombies halloween cartoons won't focus much on the eating of people. Though my youngest did ask me today where they come from! I just told her its what happens to naughty people of there very naughty :)
DeleteLooks like you had a good game. It's always rewarding when the kids finish up a game with you and want to play more :).
ReplyDeleteYes indeed! I shall have to think up something similar for another time especially with the summer holidays coming up.
DeleteI'm sure when the fall comes, we'll be fighting over biscuits for real. Great idea to keep enthusiasm going, and fun of course, which is the main point of gaming.
ReplyDeleteNice to see you passing the torch to the next generation of gamers dude.
You know custard creams are a gateway drug, right?
DeleteHa Yes to both! Thanks I hope so I won't be disappointed if they don;t take to it but you know if they play a game with dad from time to time its all good. I may even get some RPGs in someday :)
DeleteCustard creams and milky ways... who says wargaming isn't a healthy hobby :-) Great stuff Simon and I liked your rule suggestions a lot.
ReplyDeleteThanks it was a hoot. I could of offered them fruit but it everyone wants there favourite tipple in the apocalypse. Whats one mans custard cream is another's twinkie :)
DeleteI have to say: bribing them into gaming with sweets and biscuits! :)
ReplyDeleteWell done!
Thanks and mission accomplished!
DeleteProbably just as well that all the humans survived. I could see tears otherwise :-( !
ReplyDeleteWell one didn;t but the lip quivered so I brushed it over and we moved on it was the final turn :)
DeleteI wish I had time to paint, looking good mate
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you will get time at some point mate and thanks.
Deletethose Hellesburne figurines look like they could win a war at Ithaca :)
ReplyDeleteSeveral suggestions Firstly you may carry two weapons but that does not mean you have two sets of eyes or two brains, So only one target. It may sound harsh but more realistic and easy for kids.
ReplyDeleteSecondly put in a limited amount of ammo. But make some scavenger cards ammo as well.
Thirdly, Keep the shotguns scary weapons but limit the range and ammo.
Other than that brilliant job and if everyone enjoyed it That is the important thing.
Nice one mate.