Sunday, 11 December 2016

Batman Miniature Game Captain Boomerang (Squad)

Another member of the Suicide Squad finished this week. This time Captain Boomerang the name sounds a little bit corny but I love this guy he is class in the comics and hilarious in the movie.

This version of the Captain Boomerang is similar to his comic version as in he has close range support with his boomerangs and had the ricochet trait as well meaning he can bounce a further hit on to another model nearby the original target situational but great against bodyguards and there charges. 
This version is a bit cheaper meaning his stats are slightly lower and he carries less of a variety of ammo types. However where he shines is that he also has  the Primary Target loot trait (Tho he can only score loot/safes because of another) meaning he can choose any loot objective on the table as his primary target and if he gets hold of it then he can score double victory points from it. 

One of his abilities is a monitoring device which gives him total vision when used allowing him to lob boomerangs around corners which is kind of cool.

In the movie he has a thing for pony toys I think representing him being a bit of a Bronie (male my little pony fan) which is kind of amusing. So to represent his Primary Target Pony (cough cough loot) I decided to have a crack at sculpting one to put on the table. TBH I'd of loved to have bought and repainted a charm or something but they were either way expensive or not what I was looking for. It will do for know until something jumps out at me.


  1. Looking great :)
    and this unicorn ;)))

  2. Great stuff Simon, and the contrast between the blue and brown really makes the mini pop imho. If you want 28mm ponies, then "Slap Miniatures" do an entire range here: I actually own a couple and they're great sculpts; that's not to say thought that yours doesn't look super cuddly too!! ;-)

    1. Cheers dude, Yeah i've seen the slap range some risky looking ponies in there as well. I wanted it smaller but couldn't quite get it right. Its there for comedy more than anything :)

  3. I like him and I think your toy pony is just divine. Great work, Simon.

  4. Superb job on the Mr Blax says the contrast between the blue and brown really works well!

    1. Thanks Gordon :) I am really please with him as well.

  5. a lovely shade of blue indeed. The pony sure is ugly, bless him :)

    1. Whats wrong with my ugly pony! I sculpted and painted that warts and all! :P

  6. Awww bless the pony! That is a fantastic idea for a marker

    1. Thanks its a shame I couldn't find one small enough!

  7. Boomerang looks ace mate, and the unicorn is a great idea for the loot. :)

    Great execution as always mate. :)

  8. Yes, the pony is lovely - I'm sure my daughter would approve :-) .

    If you want something that is more recognisably part of that franchise then it might be possible to find an MLP keyring, charm, pencil topper or the like, but I wouldn't bother if I were you. Your version is much nicer, cheaper and very personal.

  9. He's cool. Boomerang is probably the model I'm most happy is in the box as he's a significant character that I don't currently have a model for.

    I'm going to nick your unicorn idea, but i might do something involving the crest from an old Bretonnian model.

    Why did you choose Rarity for your colour scheme? :)

  10. Haha, the pony is amazing. It really looks like a big stuffed doll. Excellent work on the man too, the blue suit looks ace.

  11. Well up to your usual brushwork and I did have a slight chuckle at the pony (my grandauhter is welll int these atm)

  12. UNICORN!!!!! And truly great work on him too.

  13. Hah nice loot marker. Great idea.
