Saturday 3 December 2016

Batman Miniature Game Nyssa Al Ghul.

Another character crossed off the list for my League of Shadows. Another Sidekick for them and is a mobile shooter with a grapple gun. Not quite figured out how I plan to user her yet I am thinking of running her with the Alt Talia (crossbow) and a load of Ninja's and agents. I only have 5 figures left to paint and all the current LoS models will be painted!

I love the model and pose but hate the tactical rock she is standing on. I'd rather it have been a rubble heap than roof tiles.


  1. Every time I turn around you have a new superhero to admire. And admire I do.

  2. KM really does use them a lot and it can be a little silly. That said she has a great pose and works well in the game, she's usually my go to choice for League of Shadows. Paint job looks good as always.

    1. Cheers dude, I just wish they were more generic rather than being themed on roof tiles etc.

  3. You really are churning these out presently Simon, and the quality certainly isn't diminishing either. Splendid colour scheme too :-)

    1. Thanks dude, They have been 'almost' done for a while which is why there have been so many recently.

  4. One of things I like about this model is that despite not being the CW Nyssa, it works well enough.

    Would you you be tempted to do a CW Villain crew?

    1. Possibly there needs to be more characters from it though.

  5. Another superb addition to your fast-growing collection!

  6. I would go the other way and make the base more roof tiles and indeed add a wall as well...... Just saying ;-)

    She looks fab by the way Brum, good job!

    1. Cheers Dude, Yeah it could of been a possibility I just am not a fan of to muc mobile terrain on base.

  7. She looks superb mate, well done as ever. :)

    I am another who is not a fan of the tactical rock-roof tiling!

    1. Thanks dude, If you can build them without it the fine but when you get parts attached like legs on Carrie Kelly its annoying.

  8. All good stuff as usual Brummie, in your own inimitable style.

  9. Great looking stuff as usual mate :).

  10. The trouble with a lot of the KM figures and especially the ladies is they have very thin ankles and I would be a bit fearful of snapping them off.

  11. Roof tiles that conveniently fell during the fight and failed to shatter? :)

    I like her mate. Lovely sculpt, but vibrant paint scheme too.

  12. I totally agree, the pose is so cool, but the roof breaks the aesthetic a little. Anyway, this turned out wonderfully, great job!

  13. Simple yet effective colour scheme on a very dynamic model. She looks great!
