Saturday 9 June 2018

Burrows and Badgers the Fox Rogue

My 10th figure finished for Burrows and Badgers and more or less gives me enough for two equal size warband of the same size creatures. I really liked the studio colour scheme that was done on this figures so I more or less copied it only changing the daggers cross guard and handle colours to a bone looking colour just out of preference.

Another enjoyable figure I added some broken bits of twig I found somewhere. Some has been using dried ill weed as a basing material so I may pick some up from the herbs and spices isle next time I go shopping to have a bit of experiment.

I quite fancy doing a black fox at some point whilst looking up real life ones to find how to the fur it was quite surprising how many variations they come in especially the amount of black you sometimes find in there fur.

Next up will be some stuff that I have had a bit of a painting block. I have finally worked out what I am going to do with them now. So plan to spend the next week getting the 8 of them done to clear the paint table down a bit.


  1. Awesome Fox. I just love these minis. Should be posting up some of mine shortly once bases are done.

    1. Thanks dude! Looking forward to seeing yours!

  2. Another fabulous piece of work Simon, I continue to be impressed with these delightful sculpts.

    1. Thanks Michael. They really are lovely miniatures to paint up.

  3. The fox looks fantastic Simon, like your colours on the fur, I believe the difference in the fur colours, are down to the areas they live in, the darker tones being in areas of more industry and people to help camouflage themselves into the background

    1. Thanks Dave. Yeah it has been really interesting looking into it all as research.

  4. NOW that does look good. I thought the last one was good, but this is better.

    1. Thanks for the very kind comments Clint. The fox was really nice to do lots of nice textures to pick out with the brush.

  5. Replies
    1. Cheers Michal! Its been a productive month!

  6. A wonderful piece; a work of art - I could see it in a display cabinet next to Hummels! :)

  7. Sweet. The work on the different textures is top notch :)

    1. Thanks Suber I really enjoyed working on him and trying hard to make the different areas not merge into the same colour to much.

  8. That’s one foxy miniature!
    (Someone had to say it).
    He looks slightly like a character from that old Disney version of Robinhood with the foxes. But more badass and dangerous 😀

    1. Thanks Stew. Yeah indeed I think a couple of those sneaked in could be cool characters for it

  9. Talk about "saving the best for last"! Awesome :-)

    1. Thank you very much Got plenty more to come in a few weeks time. :)

  10. Cute and superb, a wonderful paint job and presentation!

  11. These are truly imaginative sculpts and you are doing the justice with your paint jobs.

    1. Thank you they really are nice and easy to paint. The sculpts are great I really love the fact they are single piece yet have some really quite dynamic looking poses.

  12. As soon as i saw this sculpt i knew i had to have one. So he made it into my order. Which should arrive in a couple weeks.

    You and Simon (Fantorical) have a lot to answer for.

  13. You brought out the details of the fur extremely well. Great, great job!

  14. The fur is spot on!
    Very well done!

    1. Thanks fella! Yeah the fur was really fun todo. Amazing how varied they can be depending on living environment.
