Sunday 1 December 2013

EotD Kickstarter Part 3: Set 5 Order of the Dragon and Set 6 Vampire Slayers

Been mega busy this week at work instead of four men there's been two of us and I've had a cough/cold that's meant any time I that I have had to sit down to paint I cough every 5 minutes so no painting this week grrr. So I've continued to clean up some more of the Empire of the Dead Requiem Figures. I'm unlikely to start painting any of these. We have a painting group on facebook called Carry On Painting there's going to be a painting competition starting in the new year to paint a unit each month and to support/egg each other on. The Prize being a painted army etc by the end of it. Feel free to pop by and join in. This will obviously go with my other challenge which is to see how many Requiem figures I can get done in four months. I think this month being busy especially with Christmas coming up I shall spend it getting the figures cleaned prepped and the bases puttied ready for January.

First up we have Set 5 Order of the Dragon. Top row we have Vampire in bat form as you can see its quite a big chap. Next up the madman Renfield, Thrall with man portable Gatling gun this figure has a sword strapped across his back as well its a lovely sculpt and one of my favourites. Bottom row we have The count himself and 3 of his brides Teliaska, Darla and Curshinka. They're all really nice sculpts the only thing that bugs me about this set is the sitting figures in game terms this kind of gives them an advantage as they are obviously smaller targets when trying to shoot at them. I think I'm going to have them sitting on a big rock or something just to boost them up to normal height to make it  fairer. Besides the Thrall and Curshinka there aren't many visible weapons but I think with Vampires you don't really need to see them to know that they are dangerous.

Set 6 Vampire Slayers this has to be my favourite set from all of the Requiem figures it has all the iconic characters in it from the book. Top Row Abraham Van Helsing himself very much to me the grizzled doctor its a really fully of character he has a large ornate cross in his right hand a big bible or perhaps a large bag on his back which could be full of all sorts of gear. The lovely Wilhelmina Harker or 'The Lost Love' as its called on the artwork. Finally in the top row we have Lucy Westenra or 'The Fallen Woman' both the ladies are lovely sculpts I look forward to having fun painting them up. Bottom row we have the rest of the men from left to right we have Quincey Morris the American cowboy and explorer with his Bowie Knife and repeater rifle. Lord Arthur Holmwood armed with revolver and lantern these two in particular I really like from this set and probably are my favourites across the whole range. The remaining two are Jonathan Harker carrying a bible and candle and finally Doctor Seward carrying a large bag no doubt full of equipment and probably opium....


  1. So these won't get started until January? If so, you are a hobbyists of strong will!

    1. I want to join in the challenge. Besides its going take me a while to putty all those bases!

    2. Not tempted to take the lazy gamer route with resin bases?

  2. I like the vampires, especially the brides and bat for some reason. Does Dracula have mustache sculpted?

    1. They're all really nice mini's the bat is great its a hunk of lead! Dracula doesn't have a mustache why do you ask?

    2. Probably because Vlad Tepes, whom Dracula is rumoured to be based upon, had a moustache.

    3. See I never associated it that what I can't recall the description from the book. Yet Gary Oldman in the film always pops in to my head when I think of Dracula. Even the Dracula in Van Helsing doesn't have one come to think of it. I suppose it all depends on where you source material takes you mind to.

  3. I do like both sets, Simon. Obviously, given my love of vampires, the first set appeals to me the most. If I was collecting EotD figures I'd definitely have a vampire faction. I particularly like the female vampire with the sword above her head. Oh, and you have to love anyone who can carry a Gatling gun!

  4. I can't wait to see these painted.

    1. January onwards the painting shall begin. I only have the Singles and KS exclusives to clean up. Then onto getting them all based.

  5. Sorry to hear of your cold and cough at the moment. The figures are elegantly sculpted - looking forward to seeing them painted up. Best, Dean

  6. They do look nice - and much more traditional than some recent vampires and hunters I've seen :-) . Apart from the man-portable gatling gun, of course...

    1. Yeah these are very traditional in comparison with some everything seems to be very steampunk lately. Not that thats a bad thing just depends on what exactly your preferences are.

  7. Dracula hates that order so much :)

  8. Great looking sets! And get well soon!


  9. I must say I do like the Slayers. Thank you for showing them.

  10. Good luck on your painting, hope your cold gets better soon too. Having looked at the new rules, the Vamp slayers stood out to me too.

    1. Thanks Dan. I finished reading the curious case of the clockwork man tonight and now I want to paint up my clicker butler lol!

  11. They really are rather wonderfully and good luck in the challenge in the New Year.

  12. Very nice, some pretty cool looking figures.

  13. Just finished trimming the Order of the Dragon myself, looking forward to painting the brides!

    1. Yeah they're really nice. Still need to figure out what to do with Renfield and Teliaska i;m in two minds now whether to mount them on rocks as I'm not really keen on mobile terrain.... decisions decisions Look forward to seeing yours Scott!

  14. I really like the slayers, they look like they stepped out of the book! As for steam punk, I love the imagery; however, I don't think everyone is running about in goggles with steam powered weapons and books of dark magic. A few esoteric figures can firmly set the tone. A majority should be in period dress, not the fantasy! The heroes and villains get the cool toys! ;)

    1. Yeah I don't mind a smattering of science stuff. Just not the bodice's and stockings that seem to over take everything.

  15. Great models as expected from Westwind. I love all the different types factions and how they all contribute to the game. I will check out the Facebook page it sounds like a cool idea.

  16. And added to the group my good man!

  17. Nice looking crews mate. Just might have to join in with the painting challenge or I will never get my stuff out the painting queue.

    1. Excellent! Its a unit or squad a month so something we should all be able to manage.
