Sunday 31 August 2014

Jesters IAO Squad Siwoc the Scout

Its been a busy but enjoyable break from work. Back to the grindstone tomorrow and back to school runs etc etc! Been to loads of places this week with the family visited the Think Tank science museum in the centre of Birmingham and a great time was had by all of us. Another day out was to wonderful Stourport by the river a lovely walk, played with the kids on there excellent park then a fish and chip supper by the river!

Anyway have managed to get all of The State Gang completed though I've only managed to take photo's of SIWOC the Scout from Jesters IAO squad. THe bloody camera has died so that is now on charging before I can take pics of the other two and get some of the completed gang.

This has been one of my favourites from concept to the sculpt from the get go I really love this figure.


Siwoc picked up his name from an off-hand utterance which became a catchphrase in his first squad (“Situation is…world of chaos!”) Assigned to Jester due to his hatred of the Gang lifestyle and way of life, Siwoc wishes to bring
order to the chaos around him. Precise, quick witted and showing an amazing alertness to tactical opportunities, Siwoc makes for the perfect eyes and ears in the squad.

I only have Crimson and the proper release miniature of Skylar to paint and then I will have painted the whole set of currently available Across The Dead Earth miniatures! Woot Woot. I have plenty of figures to convert though and I've seen some top secret concepts and other pics of some of the upcoming gangs and I can say I'm really quite excited about what is going to be coming out so stay tuned for more info soon.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Studio Miniatures Kickstarter

Some more pics this week appeared on the Studio Miniatures facebook page.

Scheduled to start on September 14th

Here's the official release info from facebook.


Three weeks today (Sunday 14th September) will see the launch of our Kickstarter campaign...Z-Clipz : Outbreak

The initial campaign target will be to release eight new miniatures, these will be four survivors and zombie versions of the same survivors. We have kept the initial target a low as possible to allow us to achieve the target and add Stretch Goal items on to the campaign. The campaign will run for 28 days!

We will be making them available in two pledge levels:

Gamer - white metal versions of the miniatures
Collector - resin versions of the miniatures

Each pledge level will also contain a ninth miniature, this Exclusive miniature will ONLY be available during the campaign and will never be released to the general public. There will also be a third pledge level allowing someone to be immortalised forever as either a zombie or survivor.

If we hit our funding target then we will start to add Stretch Goals, these will include more zombie miniatures, more survivor miniatures, downloadable colour artwork, resin and 3D printed terrain items, flat pack modular buildings, terrain tiles/boards and maybe even another set of multi-part plastic zombies. These Stretch Goals will be a mix of Freebies and Add-Ons.


Monday 25 August 2014

Militia Miniatures Kickstarter

Just spotted this on Lead Adventure forum. Some great looking figures quite a few that will come in useful for many things. Across the Dead Earth, Zombie Apocalypse any other modern adventure I can think of. I backed for a complete squad and wish them luck some nice looking miniatures. As it stands its £20 for an 8 man set of figures but if it reaches its goals it can be boosted up to 10 with a hidden girl and sniper type figure.

Good as objective/target for modern games or just a survivor businessman type.

Another good modern merc, bodyguard type I things this guy looks like he'd be useful a STARS member for Resident Evil.

I love Mason one of my favourites. I love his style and he'll be Across the Dead Earthing at some point.

 I love this guys as well would make a good scrapper love all the knives strapped across his chest. 

 Another of my favourites that will be Across the Dead Earthing at some point as well.

 Extra fire power for blasting zombies and other things that require it

This is what drew me in just his one figure with an AA-12 Shotgun just read to kick some ass. Love the pose and his whole outlook.

Very Special forces look to this one but as mixes in nicely with all the others. I think this guy might be joining up with the State In Across the Dead Earth.

If you fancy a look check out the link below and have a gander.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Paint Table Saturday and unintentional Summary of the year so far.

Not something I've done for a while and its been a slow week painting wise. Various bits requiring a lick of paint this week. Wreck-Age, Across the Dead Earth Figures, Empire of the Dead and a ton of other stuff that  is calling out to be finished off lol.

A while back I spent a weekend assembling some Mantic Dwarfs with my two girls here. Well last Sunday morning me and my eldest Carmen (6) sat down and with a bit of tuition got the first two dwarfs finished off. I'm quite chuffed they're really quite neat for a first go and the colours were all her own choice so not bad really they could of all been pink.

My friend keeps quite a good track of what he's painted so far over the year across his blogs. Its not something I normally keep track of until I do the yearly update. I thought I'd have a check anyhow and see how much I actually have got done as I felt at the beginning of the year I didn't really get a lot done.

Well I've gone through all my posts and the total for the year to date so far is 63 figures 13 were 15mm and the rest 28mm. In addition to that we have 5 Car Wrecks and a set of a medium sized set of ruins have also been painted. I don't normally do terrain very often I'm not sure how to quantify them.

Checking in with my end of year posts I seem to be slowing down lol. 147 figures in 2012, 115 in 2013 and for this year well we'll see what happens come Decemeber lol :P Saying that though I have played far more games this year as well as helping out beta test the Across the Dead Earth game.

Didn't quite intend to ramble on so much but I suppose sometimes you just end up doing it :)

Friday 22 August 2014

Wreck-Age New Toys!

Lead pile additions this week I picked up some Wreck-age figures from a guy on the Lead Adventure forums. Only the two for now I plan on using them for the Forest Kin faction for Across the Dead Earth but now having them in my hand I really quite fancy trying out Wreck-age as they are really, really nice looking figures. More of these I shall certainly get!

The one with the Bow is a Drifter leader (I think a con exclusive but not sure) and the other a Staker Outrider. They size up well with my Across the Dead Earth figures but will match up with Hasslefree and Crooked Dice miniatures perfectly. What is also awesome they are on 25mm round and based in a similar fashion to all my existing post apoc stuff and  also already primed white. So are ready to begin painting!

 Photo is from my mobile phone so a bit crude but you get the general idea.

The Drifter Captain?

The Staker Outrider

There have been some new additions since I last checked I love this set Its on my list to get for sure.
Animal Herder with Capybaras It would be perfect for some sort of objective for Across the Dead Earth. 

Wednesday 20 August 2014

New Terrain mat and Wrecked cars.

Been an exciting but busy week so far. Spent Saturday evening assembling a Pre Painted MDF building kit from 4ground  which was there Corner Ruins 1 Set. I also got four more wrecked cars from Project Zeke miniatures painted and ready for gaming with.  I picked up a scenic mat from a Railway store so no more game on bare tabletop. I decided on going for a tarmac one as I think it fits the post apoc them a little more than just a green one. I now have some flock so when I am in the mood I shall have a play with adding some greenery to my LOTR Ruins I showed previously.

The first one I painted is on the left. The other four I decided to do different coloured body work before making them appear worn and rusty.

Here is my new mat not bad Its not quite 3x3 but for £6 I can't grumble. This was a mock setup Monday night for Tuesday's game which I sadly neglected to take any pics of.......Doh! nevermind. I bordered the one edge with some green scouring pads to just fill the table out. I think it looks much better. I intende to make a 3x3 board  at some point and have this mat on one side and something else (cobblestones probably) on the other.

Last night I introduced my good friend Pulp citizen to a game of Across the Dead Earth in which Leon fielded Adam's Family who took on the Redclaw in a grudge match and wiped them out to a man! Well done sir it was good game and despite me as the Redclaws being wiped out I really enjoyed it and look forward to playing some more games with him.

Painting figure wise I haven't really touched much since doing the two State members last week, Though for a small break from post apocalyptic stuff I have started on a figure for Empire of the Dead.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Jester's I.A.O Squad. Jester himself and Skelch the Sharpshooter

Spurred on by seeing the painted State figures over at Rich's house the other night I've decided to crack out the paints on my own set. First two are finished though I ended up going back and changing some of the material on the bases as they didn't look right. Some comments where bags, severed dinosaur penis and erm looks like a turd lol!

I've restructured some of the debris and add in some rust metal and sand. I'm leaving as is for now until I get hold of some tufts and other basing bits.

First up is Captain Jester the leader of the State I.A.O squad. As there meant to where a mix of military, police and other clothing I went for some randomly created camo trousers a British officer cap and shirt and just a brown leather trench coat.

Next up was Skelch his base wasn't so bad but again I've altered it a bit more. Paint scheme wise I wasn't sure what to do with his rifle it didn't look like it should be wood and I felt would look odd all in metal so decided to have a go a doing some sort of camouflage cover on it. Adding a third random camouflage pattern to his bandanna I didn't want to do another different camouflage on his clothing so just did a plain brown jacket and green trousers.

Here are just a few pic of how the bases where before.  There was two revisions first changing there shape and adding in some steal and then to add in some sand.

Working at a fast pace to get some more bits of scenery serviceable as I have Pulp Citizen joining me for a game of Across the Dead Earth on Tuesday evening. I still haven't added flock to my ruins yet (haven't managed to buy any yet) but the will still get used.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Sollus Rising

Final proof reading has been going ahead with the core rulebook for Across the Dead Earth. Time has now begun to start working on the games first supplement. As yet untitled and merely a bunch of ideas it focuses on what is happening in Europe and the good old United States of Apocalypse. (ha ha I'll get my coat).

First up on the agenda is testing out rules for Sollus (Soulless or plain old zombies) at the moment they have been used as more of an environmental hazard which we trialled for last in a game we plated last Thursday .

We made the choice of playing a three way fight with a single objective to capture an old abandoned tank. We initially rolled a random number of Sollus using a D6 at the start  We rolled a 5 and decided to deploy the Sollus around near the objective just to make things more interesting.

It was a 3 gangs playing was Adam's Family (played by Tom), the newly painted and arrived that day Jesters IAO squad (by Rich) and the final gang the Red Claws (by me).

The Sollus activate each round like each player normally but the rule control which Sollus activates and what they do is rolled against using dice and some simple charts determining what and how they react.

It worked quite well It was decided that when moving into building or a new room a dice was rolled to see if there was a Sollus lurking inside. It was quite interesting and a few gang members got surprised at what they found as they explored rooms and buildings

After a few turns we had pretty much killed off most the Sollus (Shambler types have considered not to have fed very recently and aren't very strong.) and only a few were being spawned by exploration. We then decided to add in a sort of dice pool that increased in number for shots fired or grenades etc going off.

Note to self I keep meaning to mention to Rich that perhaps there should be a hazard level determined at the start of the game so that if everyone keeps quiet Sollus can still be spawned. We didn't want teleporting Sollus so we rolled for each Sollus that spawned and it came on at a randomly determined table edge in the middle of it when possible.

It worked out quite well and was a distraction to the normal shooting at each other that goes on especially when advancing on objective though towards the final turns there was some combat between us all with Tom coming out the worst and the State showing how resilient they are though I did manage to torch Yoshi with Pyro's flame thrower. The Red Claws one as the State and Adam's family tore into each other I managed to seize it around turn 3 and then hold it against all comers.

The Sollus could do with toughening up perhaps but they do use up actions that normally would be used against other gang members so they can be a nuisance especially en mass and if you are noisy as that attracts them like nobody's business. It would of been interesting had there just been two gangs and not three. There was a lot of shooting from Adam's family and the State so a lot of the Sollus got attracted towards them and I was lucky with the random placement being all the other table edges apart from mine.

Bit or boring post so here are some highlights of the game (taken on my mobile as I forgot my camera).

 The central objective with the Sollus milling about doing well Sollus stuff.
 My Redclaws enter the area cautiously.

 Pyro and Topper head up the road.
 This Sollus proved to be extremely resilient I think it took about 4-5 shots at practically point blank range and a grenade before it eventually went down. (thats just the way the dice rolled it was quite lucky with saves)

 A large group spawn behind the State.

 Yoshi gets attacked from behind by a spawning Sollus.

 Squint saves the day jumping up onto the car roof and then drilling the Sollus from his elevated position with his assault rifle.

 A Sollus spawns inside the church but is quickly stomped on by Fatboy.

 The tank is taken by the Redclaw  gang. Topper then rips into SIWOC with his scattergun at close range

 Yoshi should of got man of the match really he managed to grenade Reggie, Pyro and Adam and himself before Pyo moved up and took him out with a burst of his flame thrower.

  Just some cool pics taken by Rich of the game a Sollus spawned in the centre of the first floor landing it was quickly despatch by Skylar