Camping was awesome and we had good weather. Back to home and getting back into the normal routine booo.
Anyway myself and Pulp Citizen played our first two games of Squad Wars this week by
Kitbash Games (click the name for the blog or (
Link to Facebook page) written by the talented Pulp Citizen himself. It was to be our first outing of the rules and all the Gi Joe and Cobra figures we've been working on hitting the tabletop.
Squad Wars is a modern set ruleset designed to act out pulp, movie type skirmish games aimed at being fun and yet still be a good tactical simulation. The game itself is set around a few types of character broken down as follows. Operators (your main characters), Solo's (infiltrator/assassin types), Grunts (your standard soldier).
They can be grouped how you like so you can mix/make up squads of grunts (made up of riflemen or support types RPGs, GPMG's, medics, officers) whom can also be led by Operators. Operators can be formed into mixed squads with different skills buffing everyone. Solo's are stand alone specialists assassins etc.
It alternates play between players activating a single unit at a time or sometimes more but at a cost in Moxie (Action Points). It plays quite fast and after some tweaks we shall be upping the game to larger scales. to see how it handles. Anyway more on that later as we shall do some battle reports.
In my previous post you saw my Serpent Fanatic Infantry which was a good start for Cobra but what was needed was some leaders and characters. Pulp Citizen has already done
Destro and
Major Bludd who are both leader types but what was need was someone with a bit of offensive capabilities. My next lot of figures arrived whilst camping so diving into the bag I spotted Firefly and thinking what a perfect addition and also a simple scheme minimal paint scheme.
So Monday morning I set to getting him started and hopefully finished for Wednesday nights game. I pretty much stuck to the colours of the Comics with the weapons and grenades and other gear picked out in different colours just to make them stand out a bit more. I also had a play with my decals on his shoulder patch not having used any for years. They are small but were simple enough to use.

Pulp Citizen's awesome 4x4 ft table prepared for our games of Squad Wars