Wow July has been crazy busy. Daughter left primary school had a prom various high school meetings and transition days and other activities and the month has flown by!
I haven't done a lot of painting to be honest the warm weather and being so busy has really encroached on the free time. All I see to have done is clean, assemble and sometimes prime minis.
The past week has seen get half a dozen figures done for my next 7TV cast for September's 7TV Day 3 at Board in Brum on the 21st.
I have gone with my Mumm Ra and his mutants cast for it. I ordered two more packs of beastmen from Crooked dice and converted all the duplicates with the intention of using them as generic mutants so will get different paint schemes as well to the original four.
The 8 duplicates all based. I am waiting on some wire spears for the two Vulturemen there poses are a lot more awkward to adjust than the others.
So repositioned arms slightly and shield added to the left Jackalman and the right one has had a weapon swap.
The Slithes had weapon swaps and their ears trimmed as the normal Lizardmen seemed to have smaller features. I shaved off the one jem on the sort of mask. But will paint them as leather and keeps Slithes gold coloured.
The left Monkian has had his mace turned into a morning star. I trimmed off the head carefully then filled a groove in the cut off section then gluing in some old chain I had in the bits box. As you can see above it sits on the base. The other had the arms repositioned slightly and a shield added.
Painting wise I got these done last week. The Abomination which is of course a good representation of Mumm ra was done first followed by Jackalman and Vultureman. I left the first Vultureman unarmed and made him more ornately dressed as in the cartoons he is more of an inventor type so I will use him as such on my games. I think I shall use him as a VIP.
My first Jackalman. Quite enjoyed painting this one. The next two will have simpler schemes.
Vultureman who will be my VIP, Doctor, Scientist etc.
This week after catching up with the new arrivals I painted Slithe and two Lizardmen. The Lizardmen have had weapons swaps, ears trimmed and dress simpler with now gems or bold coloured items.

The whole cast so far. Monkian's coming up next hopefully will have them finished next week. Leaving just two more Jackals and Vulturemen. I also have got a big mutant from the Reaper Bones Black who will be joining this cast but will based for use in Burrows and Badgers but more on that in another post.