Its been a funny month or so here at Brummie Towers. Ultra busy with real life the wife is healing nicely and much better thank you for the well wishes!
Hobby wise I am a bit lost at the moment have been pottering with bits here and there but I am lacking focus.
I have managed to assemble for the Batman game Commissioner Gordon and the 3 Swat members he comes with. Half a dozen Sky Pirates from Statuesque, The Henchmen from Crooked Dice as well as some agents and Daredevils though these got a little further being primed in grey!
Randomly I pre ordered the Frostgrave Folio from Northstar via Nickstarter. I am still yet to play this game having picked up the main rulebook and Thaw of the Lich Lord expansion sometime last year. The books are lovely and I like the setting itself. I must try and get two factions up and ready so me and Carmen get some games in. I need a mage and I need to sort out some henchmen/soldiers for both sides my adventurers though suitable aren't really equipped to suit that well.
The Folio itself is a collection of the small pdf add on's that were released some scenarios and the rules to include Captains.
Anyway that was last month and this week they were despatched and arrived in very short order. This is my first Nickstarter and I must say I am really chuffed for Pre ordering through it. For the cost of the book plus shipping I got the book, a free sprue of Barbarians, a Mage and Apprentice and some metal bits to convert one of the plastic barbarians into the scene on the cover all for £12.40 including shipping!
The package that arrived.
The Mage, Apprentice and Conversion bits
I really like the Plastic Barbarians so much so I am going to pick up the full set up at some point to make a raiding party for Fantasy gaming in general.
Painting Wise I have managed to get a bit done over the past few weeks namely the Norm (Daryll) from Studio miniatures and the fabulous metal Barbarian from Northstar (Cultist version for Frostgrave). I've been catching up on Season 6 and 7 of the Walking Dead and am now upto date finally! What a corker of a season so far!

I also randomly picked up a bargain a few weeks back a random sale post on one of the facebook groups for a bunch of Hasslefree figures at £2 each! I bit the chap's arm off and took the lot as fortunately I have been eyeing both sets of these figures for ages. But when having the funds ordering one or another always seems to be out of stock. So I am pleased to of added the Scooby themed Post Apoc Gang and the Mission Improbable Spy set.
Being in a zombie slaying mood I cleaned up the Post Apoc gang and got them based and once finishing the two figures up above hope to make a start. I have made a slight modification to the Louise as I was never fond of the chainsaw she carried mainly because she has Night Vision goggles on her head which seemed a bit off with the gruesome close combat weapon. Fortunately I picked up the Statuesque Pulp weapon sprue which has a very nice pump action shotgun on it.
The converted Louise
Besides its a little close to this pic :D

I'm very keen to do some zombie gaming at the moment. I am looking forward to the post apoc expansion being hinted at for 7TV2 but whilst waiting for that I am going to have another crack at No More Room in Hell by Iron Ivan Games. I tried a few years back to do this game with a Victorian setting for it (Pre Empire of the Dead) I am going to just stick to its modern setting and stick to the rules as written at first.