Sunday 26 May 2013

United Radionics (7TV)

I have been waiting the past few months for this set of figures to be released. I now have a great set of characters to pit against Hugo Solomon and Pandora King.

First up the Evil Mastermind himself Lancelot Cray an insidious industrialist. Really love the pose of this guy. Gives the impression of 'not giving a dam' attitude my right hand man will give you a slap kind of pose.

Next up is Cray's right hand man himself Lionel an ex-soldier now bodyguard to Lancelot Cray. Again another really nice pose the reaching for this pistol is excellent. I may well get a few more of this figure as I can envisage some good conversions for various casts with this figure. I think he'd make a good Hans Gruber from Die Hard as well more the face than the clothing though.

Finally the last from this set The Man In the Lead Lined Suit a researcher who survived a terrible industrial accident, and who now can wield the power of radioactivity for his master.I tried to get like a glowy effect as if he is about to shoot a radioactive blast from his left hand but it didn't work out as expected. Its ok I'm not sure if it would of looked different if his suit had been a different colour perhaps.

 I may strip and repaint him but I will leave him for now. If anyone has got any suggestions that would be great.


  1. Really nice models , and paint Simon
    Vincent .

  2. They're great and I think the radioactive hand came out much better than you give it credit for.

    1. Cheers mate. It didn't turn out the way I was hoping to get it I repainted twice. It will do.

  3. I like all of them, neat paintjob.

  4. The hand looks OK to me I would not bother to re-paint him at all. I can imagine Lancelot saying "Lionel Shoot that man!" and Pointing to Hugo Soliman. Really nice job on all three of them.

    1. Thanks Clint, You know when you have an image in your mind but it doesn't turn out quite the way you expect it to. It will do for know i'm warming to it the way it is. Need to sort out a game now.

      I love the Crooked Dice miniatures and these guys and the Solomon miniature are by far my favourites so far.

  5. They look really good Brummie and as for the hand I see nothing amiss though have you consiered trying a gloss varnish of it ?

    1. Thanks Joe yeah I might try a gloss varnish. I don't usually varnish my figs until i've taken pics as the gloss though matt still reflects the light slightly.

  6. Great set of figs Simon, I particularly like the pose of the right hand man. I really like you're crooked dice stuff and I really should have another look at their range for some possible zombie survivor types! I was really impressed with the misty mini I picked up at salute

    1. Thanks Dave they have some great civlian types. I want to get a William Killan and add the crowbar hand from Hasslefree Baker would make a cool survivor.

  7. Some nice figures and painting Brummie. I think the radioactive hand looks pretty good. If you did choose to repaint him, I think trying to paint half his face like that, like some of his face had been burnt off by whatever caused the accident would be worth trying. Think Harvey Dent from Batman, but greener!
    I really like the Lionel figure, and I think it may be one of the first I pick up when I buy some minis for 7TV (I won that auction btw, and got the rules dirt cheap, so thanks again for pointing that one out!)

    1. Thanks dude glad you won that auction they're a great set of rules and with renaming some bits can be tweaked for any setting. You can't really see it in the straight on pics but his neck and eyes have a green tinge to them

  8. An excellent set of figures, Simon, and I too, see nothing wrong with the radioactive hand. Lancelot Cray just oozes arrogance.

  9. What great characters. If I went into this period I think I'd need a Jason King type, is there one out there?

    1. Thanks you mean this fella?

  10. Very cool Simon, love the guy reaching for his gun - superb Sir.

  11. All three look excellent, Simon! I like the radioactive effect as well, and I did a similar treatment to my villain Overload.
    To confound your gamer OCD, my civilian job is security at a nuclear power plant. Radiation glows blue, although that is via CCTV as you wouldn't want to be in the same room with anything glowing there!

    1. Thanks David. LoL I didn't know that its funny how toxic/nuclear waste in games/cartoons etc its always green. Thinking of doing it in blue I'm not sure whether people would of thought it was an electrical type of attack.

  12. I like the researcher best, Simon

  13. They are all three wonderful miniatures. I think the radioactive man hand came out nice. It doesn't overshadow the rest of the miniature. I've been told that you can varnish a miniature to seal the progress you've made on a miniature before starting a step you not sure about. If you don't like it you can remove the paint after varnishing with minieral spirits.

    1. Thanks Robert, I never new that I'm to clumsy to try stuff like that though lol.

  14. I like the glowing hand. Ex-Soldier Cray looks terrific too.

  15. Really great job on all of them Fantastic pictures as well, to capture such detail.

  16. Lancelot Cray hahaha what an arrogant... Nah he looks really good the pose is brillant, I also echo the comments about the hand.

    1. Thanks mate everyone seem to like the researcher. I suppose its because we are always our own worst critics.

  17. They are great minis Simon, and painted up to your usual high standard. I really like the poses of the first two in particular - very natural.

    1. Thanks mate, It does look a little odd I must admit I though about try to re-position the head and decided not to.

  18. They are great Simon and I do like the Lancelot character a lot.

  19. Nice work as always Simon, kudos.

    For the hand, instead of stripping etc, one option my be to carefully stipple some of the base green thinned down (not bright/highlight green), around the cuff of the glowing hand. Use a very dry brush when doing this and just dab a bit and that may give the effect you want; it is a quick technique I have tried a few times. If you look at the back of this mini you may see what i mean:

    1. Cheers mate, I'll have a look. I think I'm going to leave this one as is for now. However I might do a helmeted version so that could be to try on the next version thanks buddy.

  20. The guy in the yellow looks good. He sort of reminds me of a GIJoe figure I had when I was a kid. I want to say Sci-Fi, but I know that's not right...
