Wednesday 15 October 2014

Across the Dead Earth Rulebook

Met up with Rich after work yesterday to collect my copy of the 'Across the Dead Earth' rulebook. I'm probably quite biased but I think it looks fabulous. I've been looking forward to reading this for so long after reading pdfs etc for the past few months its just so ace to have it in my hands at last!

Its B5 in size very similar in feel to the In Her Majesty's Name, Fistful of Kung Fu books etc. Weighs in at a total of 87 full colour pages it is full of photos and artwork On each page there is this awesome watermarked effect to each one of some of the scenery.

The book includes all the accessories needed such as the event card and rare item decks as well as set of counters. They are all printed on a good quality card stock with the cards printed on both sides These all need to just be carefully cut out. I think its great as there is no need to cut up your book or print your own just cut them out and play!

Reading through It I found the font a nice size and it was easy to read and follow. The book is nicely laid out especially the boxes with fluff and examples of play. The charts are well laid out and you can find everything easily. 

The Awesome Front Cover.

The rear cover with more inspiring artwork.

A quick flick through the pages below is the skill trees and the gang stats.

The Event and Rare Item cards look awesome love the artwork on the back covers.

The Counters set simple and functional

Being a backer I got some extras with my pledge and got my book signed and with an ace message inside.

Across the Dead Earth Signed Postcard

Our names in lights! Its been a great project to be involved with. I made some fab new friends and I look forward to more play testing and banter with them!

Of Course I've already received and painted nearly all my figures. Click the names below to see the completed gangs :)

The Family
The Redclaws
The State


  1. Superb posting Simon and the book looks very nice indeed. Good to see creators acknowledging their fan base and supporters too. The only thing I don't understand is why I didn't back it myself, especially as I see Andrew May was the sculptor and I tend to like all his stuff. Looking forward to more of your postings on this so I feel even more guilty for missing it :-) Did you get any minis as well?

    1. Thanks yes mate. I'll stick links above to the painted figures I had the honour of getting them early.

    2. Thanks Simon. I was 'out the game' during the Summer so I guess that explains why I missed this particular KS and your excellent and posts :-) Thanks for the links. I'm clearly going to have to save my pennies and get this now.

  2. I guess you're a very happy bunny, Simon. Good for you, mate!

  3. Yep, looks nice. Are the round counters pre-cut? If not, as I suspect, then they'll take an age to cut out :-( .

    1. Sadly no there not pre cut but a nice addition still none the less. Saves me having to buy special paper and then print them out myself.

  4. I am very pleased for you. It's great to see the rules in the flesh. You sound very happy with it all. I hope this turns out to be a favourite game for you.

    1. Thanks Clint if I'm honest it already is a favourite :)

  5. Lovely looking book dude!
    I'm sure the wait was worth it.

  6. Must feel good to see a project you've taken part in end now! :)
    Just don't forget about the game now and make sure you keep posting the AARs!

    Judging by the handwriting, Rich is clearly an artist, if not a doctor :D

  7. I shan't forgot and there is the expansion to help test with :)

  8. My ks backer package arrived yesterday - living the minatures. Much more surprised to be loving the rules as well! Really, really pleased I backed this one.

    1. Glad to hear your pleased with the end product. Whats the best bit about the rules you liked?

    2. The experience trees, the currency / vp campaign system and the easy to understand combat dynamics. Not sure about the cards, but looking forward to giving it a go.

  9. Looking forward to getting my hands on my copy - it does look superb.

    1. Sweet should be nearly there from what I've read :)

  10. Whoah, bud! Can you leave that lying around with the Bullring looking like that on the cover?

    Haha. That does have to be the best cover I've seen on a rulebook for years. I've been impressed with the artwork I've seen on your blog as well. All good stuff!

    1. lol give it a few year it might look like that anyway lol

      Thanks I have quite the collection may as well share it :)

  11. That rulebook looks like a thing of beauty. We do indeed live in a golden age of miniatures rules books. I was given a stack of 80s/90s WRG type rules recently and they are pretty cringeworthy by comparison. And yet we played quite happily with them at the time.

  12. I have got mine is produced to a high standard.I am very pleased.

  13. As you know, my shipment dumped in today!

    Time to paint mini me !!!!

  14. Nice overview mate. :)

  15. Congratulations Brummie on being involved with this from the start and seeing the end product -it does look good.

  16. Looks like a good read, and the artwork on the cover looks good too. I am definitely gonna post some newly painted zombies in my next post. All these undead posts have overwhelmed me. ;)
