Saturday 15 September 2018

Crooked Dice Children of the Fields Strawman

I was pleasantly surprised at how fast and fun this guy was to paint as I only got him primed on like Tuesday afternoon. I primed him with Humbrol Sea Grey Acryllic spray. I then basecoated him all over with Steel Legion Drab. A heavy wash of Army Painter Strong tone then followed. The base was painted Gorthor Brown and again a wash of Strong tone.

Once dry several layers of drybrushing was done. First the original Steel Legion Drab, Then Tau Ochre, Then a little bit of bronzed flesh on the upper parts. Various runes were then picked out in Ushabati bone and then I picked out varios logs in Oak Brown and applied a few select dark tone and strong tone washes to other wood sections.

The base was given a drybrush of baneblade brown and then the paved areas a wash of dark tone

Whats been on my mind a lot was whether to do eyes or not and in the end I decided to have a stab at glowing green eyes which adds a spot more colour and also ties him in with my cultists and other characters.

Thats it currently I will have to come back to the villagers after the event. Next week is going to be crazy busy with open evenings, meetings at work and all the usual hubbub of life. Looking forward to next Saturday though :)


  1. Great rendition Simon, the eyes look good, if yoy want to make them pop further add a green glaze all over the area and take it out about 1 to 2 mm past the current area, then dot the centre with something like scorpion green

    1. Thanks very much Dave. I will have a play with this sort of effect a bit more the after the event.

      I want to get dome goatkin and Gabriel Houndo as they will be very different again and fun todo

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Bryan. I am chuffed with him. I am trying to decide how to tackle the black goat next.

  3. Fantastic stuff Simon.
    Now get a game in to break that curse :-)

    1. Cheers Stuart Ha yes indeed I am going to try and get a game in with my daughter one of the evenings

  4. That looks good. being that big it is hard to make it look frightening as It cannot hide. Despite this it fits in so well with the rest of the coven I am impressed.

    1. Thanks Clint yeah he is a big one. Probably the biggest model in my collection these days truth be told.

      I am glad he fits in I think the eyes certainly help in that regard.

  5. Ooh, very cool Strawman, Simon. love how you did the green eyes.

  6. Outstanding! I like those glowing eyes too!

    1. Thanks Suber I did wonder whether to or not wish the eyes but figured in game he is going to be active so made sense to have sort of life behind it.

  7. I think that miniature came out looking excellent! 😀

    1. Cheers Stew I am really chuffed with how he turned out

  8. Very cool figure Simon!I may need to take another look at the Crooked Dice miniatures!

    1. Cheers Simon Terry they have some really cool figures the range is getting more and more diverse. There are tons of coold monsters now

  9. Wow he really looks the part Simon, interesting that you used the shade tone & then dry brushed over it I don't recall having come across anyone doing that before.

    1. Cheers Frank. I use the army painter ink tones as shading usually then bring it back up to the original colour then highlight it.

      Sometimeso if it is to dusty looking especially after drybrushing then I will use a thinned coat of the ink washes to blend the colours a bit better.

  10. Brilliant Simon! The more I'm seeing this model, the harder it is not to buy it 🙂

    1. Ivor it is a corker. It comes in pieces body and left/right arms. Thanks very much!

  11. Great work. The greens work well. I am loving the straw man. Great model.

  12. Interestingfigure and I'd have had great difficulty finding a suitable paint scheme for it, but you've definetely cracked it.

  13. Oof! He's a big bugger for sure. Glad he painted up without any probs cos he looks great Simon.

    1. Thanks Dai. I think his size made it easier now fiddly hard to reach bits :)

  14. Drybrushing is a quick technique that when done well (like in your case) can yield fantastic results.

    1. Thanks very much. Yes I know exactly what you mean done not so well and they can turn out very chalky looking.

  15. Most impressive and awesome job Simon!!

  16. He sure doesn't show that he was quick paintjob. Fantastic work!
