Sunday 8 July 2012

Progress Report

Well my rulebook arrived Friday with the lovely Limited Edition figure Professor Erazmus figure. Both book and figure looks awesome. I've had a quick flick through the new book (it has that aaah new book smell). its beautifully laid out in full colour lots of inspiring artwork and pictures I'm looking forward to reading it properly this later on in the week when I shall be stuck on a site job towards the end of the week with little to do.

Been pretty busy terrain wise this weekend. The two cottages are coming along nicely. I've added the card support beams on all four walls. Just need to glue the roof ones on and they will nearly be finished. Decided to do tiles on both of the roof's they are built just need to add chimneys (not sure at present) and paint them (again need research colours). There is still a few bits that need finishing painting some of the details on the windows and the door.

I have also made some roads (country lane so mostly mud looking)  these are nearly finished I'm waiting for the pva seal to dry so I drybrush them and they are done. In the background of the second picture I've started to build some fences but ran out of PVA glue so need to pick some up before I can continue with these. Still need to sort some trees, hedges and some sort of farmland (cornfields or similar) I have some ideas but have come across the right raw materials to make them yet.


  1. It's all coming along very nicely. Quiet speedy as well. If you can keep the momentum it will be very impressive set up.

  2. Damn good road wotk. Iwish I'd seen this before I did my lanes. G ood stuff. M ore please.

  3. Outstanding work, Simon. Keep it up and I'm sure it won't be long before we see your first batrep.

  4. Grew work Brummie - nice one! Just a thought, have you considered card buildings for your project? There are some great examples out there Worldworks or Dave Graffam excellent models - cheap and quick too ;)

    1. Thank you. I had but I don't have a printer at the moment :-D They will be replaced eventually with laser etched buildings but again its the cost.

  5. Great progress there! Tell us more of the rules!

  6. @ Clint, Irqan, Vampifan, Ray. Thanks for the encouragement I'm really hoping to stick to the deadline!

  7. Looking good, great skills there Brummie.....

  8. Looking really good mate! Now....When will you play a game?

    1. Plan is still end of this month. The last week of the month I'm now working onsite so need to get cracking with the terrain as I won't have as much free time then.

  9. Great stuff going on here. Nice looking houses, roads look excellent, and you can never have too many fences. Will the houses have playable interiors?

    1. Not at the minute. I am leaving the roof's off so its something I may come back to at a later date. I had considering doing the interiors seperate on the side.

  10. My word you've been busy! Looking forward to hearing more about the rules, I have a sneaky feeling I will capitulate soon and end up buying them - yet another distraction!

    1. Its a quality book I'd recommend it and you would only need a handful of figures to get started. As its your period of choice I'd imagine you could pick from that without needing to fork out much initially.

  11. The cottages look pretty cool! I like the roads and fences too :)

  12. You've been buys Brummie Some nice terrain there.

  13. Cheers Fellas, Terrain something i've not really messed with before so been enjoying learning new things.

    The fences are now built just need painting and the bases flocking.

  14. You've been pretty busy Brummie, you're making me feel guilty - not long before you get your game together either - Looking forward to the first outing of it.

  15. Going well my friend, and its all looking good, keep the pace up!

  16. All looking rather good mate.

  17. Trying to find material to do cornfields and hedges at the minute :D

  18. You could apply a thin layer of air dry clay to the building walls and press in a texture, or use a straight edge to press bricks.

    1. Good idea perhaps on a mark 3 version of these cottages :D

  19. Looks real good Brummie!

