As mentioned briefly in my New Years post another project is spawned! I received a very generous and unexpected gift from my good friend Drew Wood and upon opening them on Christmas day I found a selection of several figures from the GDF faction for the Counterblast game.
I've admired the figures for a while and have lurked on the Bombshell Minis Facebook Group since it was started up. I do love the look and style of the miniatures sculpted and produced by Patrick Keith and the painted examples by his wife Vicki are stunning. They also have some cracking Bombshell babe sculpts(Babes for multiple setting so there is something for most people) as well as there own miniature line for Counterblast. The babes have some awesome sidekicks. The Rottweiler is a must have as well as some quirky looking droids and creatures.
I haven't picked up the rules yet but the game itself is set in a classic pulp sci fi adventure setting. Set in a 1950s era where some aliens (Illyrians I think ) from outer space get attracted to Earth by atomic testing. They then make contact and changed history forever by sharing there technology enabling the human race to explore outerspace and meet the rest of the galaxy. Where this goes I shall have to pick up the book and find out but just browsing through the ranges there is a lot of scope for all sorts of games.
The Figures I received are from the GDF faction (Galaxy Defense Force) a sort of a Military/Police force to protect the galaxies nations. There is a faction called Lancers who are sort of Mercenaries, Smugglers or Pirate types (I can think of a ton of themed bands from this one).
Both these factions are made up of several different species. Shrinaar (humanoid tiger), Alanti Psycrif (shark type humanoids), Illyrian (the most alien looking they are a small humanoid with a large eye on a stalk with there mouth near there neckline. ) and of course standard humans.
Shrinaar (male and Female)
Alanti Psycriff
Human male and female.
The other factions are all there own sort of species rather than mixed.
Mekkus an all robotic faction set out destroy all organic races! Edofleini a sort of tentacled race who intend on taking over the galaxy. Neiran which are an alien sisterhood of warriors (they are blue which makes me kind of think of Avatar but a different colour could change that perception).

The figures are fantastic next to zero moldlines and very little flash they even come with these awesome bubble helmets to glue on after painting.
Out of there bags prior to cleaning/prepping them (Some Pulp City figures I was working on at the same time).
Now cleaned up and based ready for painting. Next step is to make a decision about colour schemes for them.
Those are super cool! I really like the shark men... going to have to think about this ones in the future :D
ReplyDeleteThey have some cool vehicles and other stuff in the range. I'm looking forward to see what the bring out for it.
DeleteHow cute are those? How you tempt me Simon! ;)
ReplyDeleteOnly a little :)
DeleteA very nice range of figures. Sadly, I doubt if I'll be buying any as I simply can't afford to start another project.
ReplyDeleteThey are indeed. To True maybe if they had some space zombies? :)
DeleteNice to see you've started the new year in just the same way as you finished the last, Simon... luring me away from my own projects with another of yours. And you've put links up to their store as well!! Noooo..!!!!!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHa I'm sure they would do well going up against some Federated Security.
DeleteA smashing range of minis, with some creative races, I look forward to seeing what you do with this range.
ReplyDeleteCool minis... looking forward to see them painted
ReplyDeleteSmart figures. Very neat.
ReplyDeletenow, what a cool tomcat that first one is!
ReplyDeleteIts a cool sculpt.
DeleteLovely figures! Like that Illyrian figure and those blue ladies!
I do really like the Illyrians. The Neiran are bigger than I though a friend of mine has painted his recently they are about 35-40mm in height.
DeleteI have been tempted by Bombshell Minis for a while now. I would love to take the plunge once budget permits. :) Oh my goodness, is that Roger from American Dad (in the fourth photo)? ;)
ReplyDeleteJust get a couple they have plenty of figs in the bombshell babes section for nearly ever genre!
DeleteVery nice figures. I do like them all. But at present I will need to pass on them despite being prodded by the cool stick!
ReplyDeleteProd Prod Prod Prod Prod :D
DeleteYou did an absolutely stunning job on these Simon. They are fun to paint aren't they. Patrick and Vicki will love seeing these.
ReplyDeleteSorry Anne. Those aren't mine wish they were! Stock photos from the store. Mine are awaiting priming currently.
DeleteFine mini's dude!
ReplyDeleteBut they're not zombies.