Monday 8 August 2011

Zombie Hunter and Yakuza Finished

Finished my Zombie Hunter and Dixon Yakuza. Spent more time than I would of liked redoing Eyes and the tattoos but never mind enjoy.

Zombie Hunter is armed with a Crossbow and Large Caliber pistol.
Made from Foundry B team Murdock, Trimmed the Magazine off his rifle and trimmed the Barrel into an arrowhead. I then added the quiver and bow from a Games workshop Moria goblin. Finally added a space marine bolt pistol in holster to his left leg as I thought he need a back up weapon. The holster was trimmed to size as it was huge.

These Yakuza are from Dixon Miniatures and I think they are quite characterful my favorite by far is the bald one armed with a shotgun as he has a scar running across the top off his head.
I added a marine bolt pistol and combat knife to the Tattooed guy as he was unarmed again trimmed down as they where huge.


  1. Great painting, you did a great job on the crossbow conversion.

  2. Crosbow conversion is indeed great!

    All in all looking very good mate!

  3. Nice work, these look good, sometimes the extra effort is worth it, can sometimes be your best work.

  4. Damn good painting and converting my friend.

  5. Thank you Guys.

    Haven't converted anything for ages so really enjoyed it. Might try and greenstuff some bits on some other figures I have (maybe).

  6. Agree with the crossbow comments, that was kind of ingenious. A great zombie hunting weapon.

  7. @ Adam thanks Been Watching The Walking Dead and wanted a Daryl Dixon type character.

    Been reading my No more room in Hell and the only silent weapons are bows/ninja stars to.

  8. Nice work, Brummie, both on the conversion and the paint jobs! I'm definitely going to have to check out the Dixon Yakuza range.

  9. Dixon was what I thought of when I saw your figure, most would probably have the same thought. I'm surprised that with the current popularity of zombies, no miniatures line has produced a "Not" Walking Dead set. Here's hoping for the near future.

  10. @Adam. Err, there are a range of not-Walking Dead figures! Check out Studio Miniatures' Rich and Family set in their survivors range. I'll be doing a full review of them in my post after next. The three figure set includes Rick Grimes, his wife Lori and son Carl.

  11. Wow, I'd seen that set before, but never really knew what they were from. Carl in particular is a bit of a through off for me. I've only seen the show, never read the comics, so maybe he is a bit more similar to the printed verion, but I don't recall him dressing like a cowboy on tv!
    Still, very nice figures but in need of some more support.

  12. Yes I like the studio miniatures set also but i wish they'd but him in his Sheriffs hat and the cowboy outfit his son wears must be from the comic?.

    I'd thought about getting a hasslefree Ken and modelling a hat on him

  13. Excellent work, I really like the crossbow convertion. Really well done, I will certainly steal, uhm, take inspiration from you!! ;P

  14. The figure of Carl is wearing his dad's Sheriff's hat, which is why it looks so big on him and explains why Rick isn't wearing it.. You're right, the image of Carl looking like a cowboy is taken directly from the comic and it's a great likeness, other than he should have a pistol not a revolver.

  15. Sorry a bit late on parade; long journey home! Fantastic piece of work, especially the conversion. Great work Sir!

  16. @Vampifan cheers for the info I don't read comics much tbh.

    @Michael Awdry Thank you and welcome

  17. Hey Brummie - bit of a late arrival here, sorry!

    How do the Dixon figures match up to Copplestone/Foundry, etc? are they 28s or nearer true 25s?

    Damn fine job btw!

  18. Hi Np

    Its abit hard to say tbh. I would say nearer 28. I'll take a photo with some Foundry, Copplestone and Hasslefree and post it up tomorrow.

  19. Can't wait to see that; comparision pics are always helpful, and I've never seen the Dixon line before.

  20. Thanks Brummie, look forward to seeing that!
